There has been a long debate whether we must change our education system or not and at present the new education minister has made many changes i.e. a single examination system to all and this will be effective from next year.Indians are considered to be the best in terms of knowledge, but still the syllabus that we follow in school might not going to do anything good for the children, as they really miss the practical knowledge that is very much needed now.

Apart from that, there is a common practice among us i.e, we don't want to study in Government schools(excluding CBSE school) but we will work hard for getting a seat in IIT, NIT and also other Government colleges.This is nothing to do with the people,because the Government must take care that the proper funds are allotted to the Government schools also so that their standard should increase.So let us discuss some of the points and I must say these are from my point of view and you can also discuss

i)First and the foremost thing that we must take care is that all the Government schools must be upgraded in such a way they have all the facilities, when compared to that of private schools.he reason why this step should be takes is that, first we must create an environment fo the students to learn and after that we can teach them.

ii)Syllabus must be changed according to the present trend and recent technologies must be explained, if not at least the concept must be explained, so that the children are aware of those technologies.Nowadays Internet has become a requirement rather than luxury, so any concept explained in an interesting way, will make the child to show interest in these technologies and they can make the best use of Internet and they can update and know about the technologies.

iii)Then comes the very practical issue.Here we must ensure that the teachers explain the children regarding the current affairs and also about the ploitical system.They must no think of explaining about various disease that costs human life and also say the way that we can prevent them.

The most important thing is that they must take sure that in future the students have the ability to take the right decision and also they do not suffer from mental pressure, because in most of the natural death that occurs in India are due to heart attack and stroke, which is caused due to high tension.So everything must be thought, at least the basics, to them how they should take life easily when they grew up and what a beautiful life it is.

iv)Next, we must ensure that the school also shows in terest in sports.Every person in this world has a talent and school is the right place where  we can find their talent.Sports is ver important because, the true spirit followed in sports will be very useful for them when they grew up and they also get a chance to expose their talen and who knows they can also become a sports player.

So there are some points from my point of view and friends you can express your opinion

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