Are we talking about these radicals?


Definitely not.

I've already given an idea of aging in one of my articles(click here).This article is somewhat related to it.The cause for aging and damage of our cells and crippling them from cell division was due to free radicals(one of the causes)-this is the idea I got while reading about aging.So I went on to do some researches about what these free radicals are.And came up with some simple explanation for the free radical theory and some ways through which the effect of free radicals are reduced.

So what are antioxidants?they are the soldiers or missile defense system of your body, preventing damage from molecular bombs called free radicals.It works like this: In order to breath, move, or eat, your body's cells convert food and oxygen into energy. This chemical reaction releases harmful by products- the free radicals we mentioned. Basically, they're highly reactive forms of oxygen that are missing an electron. Desperate for that missing electron, they get them from normal cells, damaging the healthy cell and its DNA in the process.To neutralize the loss, free radicals try to steal an electron from, or donate an electron to, a neighboring molecule, this process, called oxidation, it creates a new free radical from the neighboring molecule. The newly created free radical, in turn, searches out another molecule and steals or donates an electron, setting off a chain reaction that can damage hundreds of molecules.This damage eventually contributes to any number of major health problems, including heart disease, memory loss, and cancer.


Anti-oxidants are saviors of the cells.They combine with free radicals to form different, more stable compounds. There are also antioxidant enzymes that help free radicals react with other chemicals to produce safe, instead of toxic, substances. Antioxidants can halt this chain reaction we talked about earlier. Some antioxidants are themselves free radicals, donating electrons to stabilize and neutralize the dangerous free radicals. Other antioxidants work against the molecules that form free radicals, destroying them before they can begin the domino effect that leads to oxidative damage.

It is believed that About 5 percent of the oxygen humans breathe is converted into free radicals. And as the age of a person goes up, the effect of free radicals also increase drastically.Free radicals may lead to heart disease by oxidizing low-density lipoprotein cholesterol( also kbnown as LDL), the so called bad cholesterol. Researchers now believe that only the oxidized form of LDL cholesterol leads to hardening of the areries, a condition that can ultimately lead to heart disease.

What's the remedy?

The nature and food obviously.The reason fruits and vegetables are so important to your overall health is that they are major source of antioxidants.

Some of the antioxidant sources are at our very own reach but we don't know their value fully.Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a well known antioxidant that may prevent cataracts and cancers of the stomach,throat, mouth, and pancreas. It may also prevent the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, lowering the risk of heart disease. Foods that are high in vitamin C include strawberries, oranges, lemon,etc.,Similarly Beta-carotene absorbs free radicals that target molecules in the cell membrane. Studies suggest that in addition to reducing the risk of  cancer, and heart attack, beta-carotene may also reduce the risk of stroke. Beta-carotene occurs naturally in orange-colored fruits and vegetables and dark green, leafy vegetables. Sweet potatoes, spinach, and carrots are some of the best sources of beta-carotene.As an antioxidant, vitamin E may also protect from heart disease and cataract and may strengthen the immune system.

But there must be some study that points out the chief sources of antioxidants right?

Yeah!, there are many studies relating to the antioxidants and free radicals and almost all of them are pointing out to the importance of fruits, especially some fruits that are highly antioxidants.Usually the antioxidant value of commonly eaten fruits and vegetables are determined using an analysis called ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbing Capacity).This is a test tube analysis that measures the total antioxidant power of foods and other chemical substances.

The ranking list goes like this:(besides each fruit/vegetable are their ORAC content)













Red Grapes---739


Kiwi Fruit---610











Broccoli Flowers--1890


Red bell pepper-- 1710


Corn -------1400



Acai is a truly great fruit with all it's nutrients, but the important thing we are considering acai for- is the high content of antioxidant that it has.Usually it is believed that red wine is good for health since they are good anti oxidants(of course you've to consume less!!).But studies show that Acai has up to 33 times the antioxidant content as red wine grapes,hence acai can be an alternative to those who think that drinking wine is bad.Comparing to other such fruits, that have antioxidants in them, acai is almost six times more powerful in terms of antioxidant content.No other berry or fruit product can come close to matching the nutritional and antioxidant content of Acai.


Eating this fruit can be a tedious job-it's the pomegranate.This seasonally available fruit is renowned for its nutritional properties. Studies show that the juice from this fruit is one of the most powerful antioxidants, which contains a very high level of polyphenols and other free radical-fighting agents.Also it's a good fruit for making fresh juices or addition to salads or ice creams or even some claim making milkshakes using it!.Whatever it is, you better have a good habit of eating the fruit once in a while.But the job of eating can be tedious as mentioned before if you are too lazy to eat hundreds of tiny fleshy seeds.


We don't we much of this fruit in our country ,but hey if you get a chance, dont't miss the opportunity to taste is said that their taste varies from sweet to tangy, blueberries are bursting with nutrition and flavor while being very low in calories, so that's a good news for people who are in a diet-all the nutrition with less calories consumed.Blueberries are the fruits of a shrub(Small bushy things)that in-turn belongs to the family of fruits, which includes the cranberry and other berries.These grow in clusters usually, and their size is very small(all berries are small). They are deep in color, ranging from blue to maroon to purple-black.The skin surrounds a semi-transparent flesh that encases tiny seeds(kinda similar to the pomegranate we saw earlier)

blu berries

This is another fruit that we don't get in our country-raspberries.They are sweet, small berries that people say almost-melt-in-your-mouth texture, raspberries are wonderfully delicious and are usually in limited supply.Raspberries are known as "aggregate fruits" since they are a compendium of smaller seed-containing fruits, called drupelets, that are arranged around a hollow central cavity.  They are so delicious that they are used in the garnishing and finishing garnish for some types of Pizzas!.


A symbol of love-they are fragrantly sweet ,juicy and deep red color - strawberries can brighten up both the taste of any meal; it is no wonder they are the most popular berry fruit in the world. Although strawberries have become increasingly available year-round, they are at the peak of their season from April through July when they are the most delicious and most abundant.While there are more than 600 varieties of strawberries that differ in flavor, size and texture, one can usually identify a strawberry by its red flesh that has yellow seeds piercing its surface, and a small leafy cap that suits is like a crown.In addition to strawberries that are cultivated, there are also varieties that grow wild. These are much smaller in size, but feature a more intense flavor and are harder to get.But if you think eating strawberry flavored food can do the same goodness to you, you are mistaken.They don't.The real deal-the actual fruit contains all the goodness not the flavor that is extracted from it!.


Another fruit that we don't get here easily-kiwifruit has fascinated researchers for its ability to protect DNA in the nucleus of human cells from oxygen-related damage. Researchers are not yet certain which compounds in kiwi give it this protective antioxidant capacity, but they are sure that this healing property is not limited to those nutrients most commonly associated with kiwifruit, including its vitamin C or beta-carotene content.These flavanoids that kiwi fruit contains are the reason fot the antioxidant properties of this fruit.


Grapes contain beneficial compounds called flavonoids, which are phytonutrients that give the vibrant purple color to grapes, grape juice and red wine; the stronger the color, the higher the concentration of flavonoids.And not to forget, the ever popular purple grapes. Surely, they have a good reputation for improving health. All grapes contain resveratrol, an antioxidant that is found in red wine and other grape products. The juice contains a high flavonoid content which can help protect the body from cardiovascular disease.White grapes are also a source of antioxidant but a more limited source.hence it is advisable to take purple grapes rather than the white grapes(or green grapes-whatever you like to call it).


Guess this fruit: actually it is not entirely a fruit,they are easy to pack, easy to eat and almost never go bad what is it? dried grapes of course.They are also known as Raisins.Like other dried fruits, raisins are available throughout the year.Raisins are made by dehydrating grapes in a process using the heat of the sun or a mechanical process of oven drying.The size of small pebbles, raisins have wrinkled skins surrounding chewy flesh that tastes extremely sweet when it's chewed. While the colors of raisins vary, they are generally a deep brown color, oftentimes with hints of a purple hue.The phenols found in fruit have repeatedly been show to have antioxidant activity (to help prevent oxygen-based damage to cells in the body).

The total antioxidant activity of many fruits and vegetables has been found to be exactly similar to their total phenol content, and raisins take their place in this list right alongside prunes as an antioxidant-rich fruit.That brings us to the question, what are Prunes?Prunes are the dried result of a plum.Plums have impressive antioxidant properties, but when converted into their dried counterpart their antioxidant powers can increase by as much as 600 percent! They have a wrinkly texture on the outside and a chewy texture on the inside.



This fruit has not only helped us discover the force of gravity, but also has taught us that eating this fruit everyday keeps the doctor away.You guessed it-its the Apple - very delicious, full of rich nutrients, widely consumed all over the world, and available year round in most places but they are good when bought in the actual season when the apple harvest is high.Regular consumption of the fruit can provide many vital nutrients and can help prevent a lot of health problems.Apart form the nutrition, it's also a source of antioxidant-not a very good source but at least it's something(better than nothing).


Bananas are a favorite snack for many, especially for athletes.They are an excellent source of potassium and keep us from getting bruised easily. They contain no fat, sodium or cholesterol. And they are a great source of vitamin B6, vitamin C and magnesium in addition to potassium.So many nutrient, no wonder they are a popular fruit.Also Banana is a good source of energy and easily digestible too (you would've seen sportsmen like Leander paes eat them).There Is a claim that another fruit is close to the same nutrition and goodness content as bananas-the lychee fruit.We get those mostly as packaged juices from some of the real fruit juice companies.


we all must be familiar with this fruit, since it gets used in almost most of the pastry items we buy from bakery.If it contains cream, it's there is a chance it would contain cherries also.The cherry is one of the few antioxidant fruits that have the right combination of health and taste. It is very tasty and extremely healthy; it is a fruit for people of all ages. Regular consumption of cherries can have an amazingly positive impact on your health.But the word is in market, some types of cherries that are low in nutrition are made sweet by soaking them in sugar water for days and they sometimes even add color to the cherries to make them attractive.So buying cherries should be done with caution.Also opt for the round cherries(not the more common oval one).



When it's summer and you talk about a watery fruit, it has to be watermelon.No other fruit says summer like the subtly crunchy, thirst quenching watermelon. Although watermelons can now be found in the markets throughout the year, the season for watermelon is in the summer when they are sweet and of the best quality.Also opt for water melon that is bigger and rich in color(not the pale one).


The final fruit that we are discussing about is the juicy and sweet and vitamin C rich - oranges make the perfect snack and add a special tang to many recipes; it is no wonder that they are one of the most popular fruits in the world. Oranges are generally available from winter through summer with seasonal variations depending on the variety.Oranges are round citrus fruits with finely-textured skins that are, of course, orange in color just like their pulpy flesh; the skin can vary in thickness from very thin to very thick. Oranges usually range from approximately two to three inches in diameter.You may already know that oranges are an excellent source of vitamin C-just one orange supplies 116.2% of the daily value for vitamin C-but do you know just how important vitamin C and oranges are for good health? Vitamin C is the primary water-soluble antioxidant in the body, disarming free radicals and preventing damage in the aqueous environment both inside and outside cells.So have an orange juice when you are struck by the intense heat that we have these days and enjoy a healthy like.




Similar to the category of fruits, in the vegetables section also, we lack some of the antioxidant rich vegetables.It is said kale plant provide an earthy flavor and more nutritional value for fewer calories than almost any other food around.Kale is a leafy green vegetable that belongs to the Brassica family, a group of vegetables including cabbage, collards and Brussels sprouts that have widespread attention due to their health promoting, sulfur-containing phytonutrients.


Brussels sprouts look like perfect miniature versions of cabbage since they are closely related cabbage, both belong to the Brassica family of vegetables. The details are not clear, but it is said that Brussels sprouts are available year round; however, they are at their best from autumn through early spring when they are at the peak of their growing season.Brussels sprouts grow in bunches of 20 to 40 on the stem of a plant that grows from two to three feet tall.It's not common to get these but when you get a chance, try them...


This is a famous vegetable, which as the former, it isn't available in our markets.Broccoli is also a member of the cabbage family, and is closely related to cauliflower. Its cultivation originated in Italy. Broccoli, its Italian name, means "cabbage sprout". Broccoli provides a range of tastes and textures, from soft and flowery (the floret) to fibrous and crunchy (the stem and stalk).This is highly nutritious and a good anti oxidant too.


The leafy green vegetable like spinach with its delicate texture and green color provide more nutrients than any other food. Although spinach is available throughout the year, its season runs from March through May and from September through October when it is the freshest, has the best flavor and is most readily available.It's found in many parts of our country so there must not be trouble in getting them.No wonder Popeye is shown getting intense strength from the spinach!!.

popoye spinach

There is no dish, that tastes bad, when onion is added.The word onion comes from the Latin word unio for "single," or "one," because the onion plant produces a single unit called a 'bulb'(unlike garlic that produces many in one bulb). The name also describes the union (also from unio) of the many separate, concentrically arranged layers of the onion. Whatever the reason might be, the onion is one of the widely available and versatile cooking element there is available and the good part is it is a source of antioxidant.


The spicy south Indian meals always contain this vegetable.It is prized for its deeply purple, glossy beauty as well as its unique taste and texture, eggplants are now available in markets throughout the year, but they are at their very best from August through October when they are in season.Eggplants belong to the nightshade family of vegetables, which also includes tomatoes, sweet peppers and potatoes. They grow in a manner much like tomatoes, hanging from the vines of a plant that grows several feet in height. Generally having a bitter taste, egg plants have a tendency to absorb the masalas or the taste(as you might call it..) also it's a great alternative to a chicken curry.Take away the chicken and use egg plant instead!.


Stay young and stay fit!


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