The technology of television is to moving images with a certain frequency on a screen display. If you looks at the images you are drawn to it and it is difficult in a room where a TV is not watching.

Your eyes are naturally used to track movement, and television shows constantly moving images. By the frequency with which an image on the screen is a still image before your eyes the same attention-absorbing properties as a moving image. The way images are assembled together is half way to hold attention.


The TV ad is the assembly technique optimized for the viewer to hold. The advertising business is very ingenious. The same techniques that dictators use to the people not to revolt are also used by companies to make people believe that they can live without certain products. In fact, we in advertising are all carried away with pretty much shows how your life gets better if you are an article of a particular brand. Dictators tell their people that they are very special and that for them a great honor to live in their country. With the same psychological truck companies to tell people how special they are if they only buy their product.


Business benefits to the world differently to us to dish than it is. Because the majority of people participating in their game, and if it were hypnotized is walking with the masses, it seems that the best way. People in the Netherlands for example 3 hours per day watching television, according to research. So is it normal to 3 hours per day your mind to 0 and you have to give this device? If you watch television takes your brain activity down to less than 5% of your normal brain activity. So you think but do not after all be influenced by a medium. You are then in effect under hypnosis. The moving images have an intoxicating effect on your brains. Moreover, the device you will miss if you miss a day watching TV. The intoxicating effect is addictive! Nina Hagen sang the late 70: TV is a drug.


Like other drugs, you pay a lot for watching television. You have a monthly amount to pay the cable company, you have every four years buying a new TV, you also want to have nothing of the recording medium to miss. Of course it takes electricity consumption of a lot of money, in short: you are about a month's salary per year lost only to watch TV. Instead of watching TV so you can enjoy one month each year do not.


You work an average of 25 days per year so that every day a number of hours watch TV. In fact you thus slave to your habits. Moreover, you pay less money for your brains to work and your influence by companies to buy more products. For not only advertising encourages you to buy things, almost all TV shows are sponsored by clothing companies. Moreover, follow the latest trends in TV programming, it's all free money to them to keep. TV programs give you the feeling that such a backward idiot if you're not going to that musical, or going to that concert, or the latest cell phone, or do not participate in the fashion. So there you go back to the winkelom new stuff to buy and you may get a job, besides your regular job. So addicts yourself even more.


Man himself is the product without buying special enough. But if everyone would see the present capitalist society would soon cease to exist. Therefore man is constantly bombarded with all kinds of information that tells the opposite. Complaints talk to you personally, but also movies, soap series and non-news programs that you be kept informed of the behavior of film and pop stars do it with the appearances to maintain that people really like it if they certain clothes, or consume certain products.


Even the news, or news programs do little inferior to soap series. On TV news can only be superficial message. Someone who sees a topic on the news he knows will more often say they are on this subject very briefly go through the corner. In fact, we all subjects ignored the real story. The camera images are displayed in a new thread to give the impression that everything is true. If you look carefully you will see that same kind of images are used often unrelated to the actual subject are. If a company or institution in the news You can see the head which was filmed on that day. What factual information provides such a picture? Nothing. You also see many shots of people walking by when it comes to consumers. This image shows what a load of truth that discussed it, but it is actually a nonsense image. Then you see often include interviews with stakeholders. Interview usually takes about 10 minutes and 10 seconds, we hardly get to see. In the few seconds you see the person you hear the story of the newsreader confirm. But it may very well be that in other interviews he says the opposite, or a subtle nuance which gives the text sent an entirely different meaning. There you will only find out when something happened on that subject because you know more involved ourselves are.

Opium for the people

Television drags your mind from one place to another. Your attention is always shifting and the viewer will never discover that viewing behavior are just an addiction, that he was under the influence of hypnotic images. In fact, he gets angry when someone says that because he has learned that on TV it is instructive to listen to experts or simply for a relaxing evening watching TV. Caesar said that a people need bread and games so they do not revolt. The games have now become TV shows. Marx said that religion is the opium of the people, television is now the opium of the people.

State Propaganda

Marx and Caesar knew how leaders should act to maintain their power. The new rulers are the statesmen in cooperation with companies. In all countries, the television about 60 years back by the state entered. Also in the Netherlands, although many Dutch people take pride in having a particular media system differs sharply than not a very large foreign media systems. The state has a keen interest in their policy is articulated through the medium of television. In the Netherlands we know the TV network news, which is fully state funded. Because the government has like the companies that benefit from people's attention is shifted to less painful issues for them. Hence, on television worldwide compelling projects may be promoted.

Worldwide immersive projects

The attention from real issues for new projects is a compelling phenomenon of all times. This way of politics around the world over. Take for example the U.S., which is a country with an awful lot of problems, as most deaths by firearms per year, large ghettos in areas where police do not dare to come and many parts of the U.S. flooding each year or are each year in brand.De U.S. poverty and hunger to know more than many third world country. To the attention of these enormous problems to distract the U.S. is accompanied by wars enormous media attention. The most grotesque form of afleidingsmaneuvre was the attack on the city of New York and the Pentagon, of which only a few TV-watching naive to believe that it was no inside job.

We are doing well?

Netherlands piggybacks with the wars the U.S. It also has a nice point for the Dutch population to keep working. It seems many noble goals they continue to fight bad guys. If you think the only thing war is good for the arms trade. The population has only bothered a war, especially because civilian casualties. Yet regularly on TV telling how well one is doing a war. Other examples of projects that TV is used to alert people to distract his projects to combat natural disasters, major infrastructure projects, organization of a global event like a World Cup. All these things get extensive television attention while real problems of people like poverty and education deterioration remain.

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