The pollution is harmful to the people. They especially show impact on the beauty. The climate changes will affect our skin and makes the skin dry and dead. So protect our skin from such problems, we need to follow the experts advices


  1. The air we inhale, the smoke of the vehicles, the food we eat, the bowls we use, like where ever we do is everything polluted. So the result is much harmful substance will be accumulating on our skin. The substance named etoxin will create such skin problems and finally our skin gets affected by wrinkles in early age and even it leads to heart problems.
  2. 2.Due to this substance etoxin, our skin gets affected with increase in spots, pimples and many more.
  3. 3.The reduction of color of the skin, occurrence of some skin allergies may be due to etoxin substance which available due to pollution and It is very harmful to the people


  1. To avoid the above mentioned problems, we need to consume fruits and vegetables.
  2. We need to drink 10 or 12 glasses of water daily.
  3. Eat 5 to 8 tulasi leaves daily.
  4. Do bhastrika pranayaman at least for 4 minutes daily.
  5. Steam your body once in a week.
  6. When you come from outside, immediately wash your face thoroughly.
  7. For avoiding the pollution effect on your hair, wash your hair for every alternative day.
  8. Try to avoid cooking in black aluminum bowls.
  9. Having water melon in summer is very good for our health as it contains lot of fiber which is much helpful to our body.
  10. This fruit contains A vitamin, b complex and other anti oxidant which are much helpful to our body.
  11. By consuming water melon we can obtain best health.
  12. Water melon also helps us in reducing the harmful substance which are getting accumulated in our body and causing health problems.
  13. If you apply the mixture of water melon juice with lemon to your face. Now remove it after 15 minutes, then there will give good result to our skin to shine.
  14. The mixture of water melon juice, some curd and milk powder applying as a pack to the skin and remove it after 10 minutes then there will be good change in the skin.
  15. The mixture of water melon juice and honey with both same quantity and apply this mixture as a face pack which gives great look to the skin.
  16. By applying the mixture multhani mitti and water melon juice as face pack and remove it after 20 minutes. Then your skin will be with different glow.




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