The best matching sandals of all types are available now days in the market. Especially high heal sandals. So we will look bit tall. We look in a better manner and we feel confident but at the same time due to these high heels there will be some problems also.

As body weight will be on the feet so the feel will definitely pain. If we use high heels for more time then after some days there may be occurrence of spinal cord pain and hip pains.

To avoid such problems:

While purchasing high heels think whether you will use them daily or occasionally. If you decide to use them daily then choose 1 to 1.5 inches heels. Then you prefer high heels only for occasions.

While using heals, your feet will slip and move aside. This will be a problem. The more high heals we use there will be more such problems that’s why while purchasing heals wear them and see whether they are comfortable or not then only prefer to purchase them.

Though you have purchased heals, you should also use heals less chapels’ also. When you are in home use normal chapels’. Sometimes try to walk without chapels’ also. So that your feet gets comfort ability.

The high heels should not be preferred to use for 8 to 10 hours. After using high heels, apply coconut oil to your feet and then massage. You will get releaf from pains and your feet will be relaxed.

Walking and doing yoga are good to avoid such problems with high heels.




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