In today’s busy life happiness is lost somewhere in the crowd. And people find it too difficult to be happy. Nowadays people rely on materialistic things or on money for their happiness or for buying happiness but there is nothing that can buy happiness for you nor even your money because it can be earned only by our own will and work. Instead of looking here and there in search of happiness one should try to do the things what can give happiness to him or her in real sense.


Here I am sharing few ways by which you can keep yourself happy forever and they cost nothing in return of happiness.

  • Adopt the spirit of optimism – For being happy the first and the most important thing is to be optimistic in life i.e. to have a positive thought in mind. A person with optimistic character can never fail in exam of life. Because when one is optimistic he or she looks all the things in positive way and thus never get depressed and never get surrounded by negative thoughts around. So it’s good for all to adopt the optimism as soon as possible as it really works and its worth.


  • Have a jolly nature – Jolly nature persons usually mix-up with everyone easily and such people enjoy every moment of life. They always remain tension free whether a lot of problems surrounding them but then too they take all those things very lightly. Such people not only keep themselves happy but they also make the environment joyful and fill it with happiness.
  • Be always good towards others – It’s very hard to be always good towards others but at least you can try to be good at some times. Being good to others makes other feel good and happy and that in return makes us happy too. As because of this the waves of happiness spread around us and also because when we are good towards others they also try to be good towards us and that what can make us happy.
  • Forget the word ‘EXPECTATION’ – This is something which we feel is impossible but actually if we can try we can. I am asking here that not to have expectation from anyone because when we start expecting from others we are some way giving them chance to hurt us. It’s because when someone fails to complete our expectation then we feel really bad and sad. And sometimes it also creates problem in two people and can lead to break the relationship. So better not to expect from someone and not to rely on anyone.
  • Forgiveness – Forgiveness is also related to our happiness. You all must be thinking how. See if someone hurts you and you don’t forget him or her so whenever that person will come in front of your eyes you will somewhere feel bad and that person too. But when you forgive someone, then you throw away the anger inside you towards that person and also you erase his/her mistake from your mind and heart and this makes your heart and mind lighter. And so your mood also never gets disturb and you won’t have any grudges with that person and it will make you both happy.


  • Be honest and truthful – For a happier life this is really needed. Until you are not honest and truthful you can’t earn the real happiness. Because when you lie to someone then that person may or may not know that you are lying but you know that you are lying and somewhere it keeps disturbing you that you lied may be because of fear of getting caught or may be because your soul does not allow you to lie but you did. So that time you can’t be happy howsoever you try. So try to be honest.


  • Be what you are – This is also very important for keeping ourselves happy. Nowadays I have seen many people behave differently then what they really are just because to fit themselves in the crowd or to gain fame or money or to be popular. But they forget that it can only help them in earning all this but what about the character which he is losing behind that is he himself the real one. Losing one’s self image can do no good in real sense. So don’t pretend to be what you are not and be what you really are. Don’t have so many faces on the real one which you have else you will lose all one day.
  • Never give up – This is somewhat which makes a person really depressed. When a person loses in his/her life or when he gives up then that person might get disturbed and depressed. So it’s better to fight and struggle till the end then to give up. Because struggling may help you in achieving what you really want too and when you will achieve it then that time the happiness which you will get will be above all happiness.

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  • Be helpful – You have seen everyone saying so that be helpful towards others. But be helpful does not mean that one should be helpful towards only those whom you know. But helping those who are in real need is important. When you help others it gives a sort of happiness and you feel well inside from your heart because that time you have done really good job. And by doing so you make others also happy. So be always helpful.

                                                                                        be helpful

  • Have good relationship with everyone – It’s very normal but we never think this way, when we have good relations with others then naturally there will be happiness around us and it creates a happy environment also. So try always to be good with others and try to maintain good relations and for that you should not have any grudges or doubts against people or your friends or anyone. And by doing so you will always be happy.
  • Be thankful to God for all what you have – In life we always complaints about things we haven’t got but we never think about those things which we have got. So the day when we will start becoming happy for all what we have that day all tensions and worries will disappear and everyone will be happy.


Just try all these once and see the difference. You all will be happy by doing this.

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