If you have a child, but after a while, yet failed to become pregnant, you can supposedly fertility research or fertility research to conduct. This research may reveal whether there is a medical reason for the absence of a pregnancy.

The Fertility

In principle, every physician will recommend you to try yourself at least one years of pregnancy. Have you any further medical problems and you're still not pregnant after one years, you should first call the doctor for an appointment there. Only through referral from the GP you in a regular Dutch hospitals are eligible for a consultation and a fertility study in a gynecologist or a fertility doctor.

The first consultation

During the first consultation with the gynecologist or fertility doctor you do together as expected. The aim of this first meeting is for the doctor to the clearest possible picture of your living conditions and medical history. You can expect many questions, including whether you smoke, but also about what medicines you swallow and whether you have a condition or disease. After the doctor the image of you as fully as possible for themselves have entered, he or she will explain to you what it really means fertility research.

The fertility research or fertility research

The fertility study consists of the following components:

The study of man
Examination of the seed

Research on Women
Blood tests on the third day of the cycle
The test after intercourse
The blood in the second half of the cycle
A uterus picture

The study of man

The study of man consists in principle of only one test and this is a seed test. A specimen of the seed of man is tested in the laboratory on a number of issues, such as agility, speed and volume. The results must meet a number of applicable norms and if the result is normal, then in principle a sufficient test. If the result is abnormal, there will likely again be a test run. Seed has no time because the same quality and therefore the test of a snapshot. Seed quality can be influenced by the most minor things, such as drug use or by having a flu. If the results of the test remains abnormal, the doctor will consult further research, for example with the help of a urologist.

Research on Women

The examination of the woman is significantly more comprehensive and covers a number of tests, during the cycle are performed. If you will undergo such tests, it is useful to do one months to choose the physically, mentally and practically suits.

Blood tests on the third day of the cycle

This consists of two blood tests. The first test is to determine the amount of FSH hormone in your blood is. This hormone stimulates the production of estrogen in your body. And the second test is to determine whether you have ever had chlamydia. Chlamydia is an infectious disease that the risk of abnormalities significantly increase the fallopian tubes. If this is the case, the doctor will often want to perform further research, eg by means of an exploratory surgery, to see what condition the fallopian tubes are located.

The test after intercourse

This test is performed after intercourse, the night before that you must have the research. During this study the motility of sperm in the cervical mucus examined. This examination will usually take place around your ovulation. The gynecologist or fertility doctor, in consultation with you to determine when ovulation your cyslus be expected.

Often you get it after an ultrasound examination to see if there are also exceptions to the uterus or ovaries are located.

Blood tests in the second half of your cycle

In the second half of your cycle you get another blood test and this research is to determine whether ovulation has actually occurred. Ovulation is obviously necessary for the emergence of a pregnancy. Is therefore important to determine if you indeed have an ovulation or not.

A uterus picture

This is a rather painful and unpleasant investigation. Dye is injected into the uterus, which then spread itself further through the tubes and ovaries. By means of X-ray gives the doctor information on whether or not to open the fallopian tubes. Often you get painkillers for this study, you must first take. The study does not take long, often within 10 minutes there is a clear X-ray obtained. The introduction and spread of the dye is the most painful part of this research. Often you within one days after the examination the pain again lost.

And then?

After all investigations there eeen final interview with the obstetrician or fertility doctor. If something is found during the investigations, there will continue to be anticipated. Is there not found and you are still not pregnant, then you still often moinimaal half years sent home to try again. The reason for this is that the insertion of the dye in the womb as a kind of picture can be seen rinse, then some women still become pregnant. If after half years have not succeeded, then you come back often to discuss a follow-up to still be pregnant. Often this follow-up of medical interventions, such as IUI, IVF or ICSI. The procedure, as discussed, each hospital may differ slightly in execution.

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