Vitamin D is important for strong bones. A deficiency can provide osteoporosis.  But less known is that it provides more strength, possibly certain cancers and helps reduce the risk increases to be older.

What is vitamin D

Vitamins in the body among other uses to produce hormones. . Vitamins through your diet you get inside, but vitamin D is made by the body from cholesterol under the influence of sunlight.  Because vitamin D also like hormones by the body is created, vitamin D is also called prohormone.

The darker one's skin the more sunlight a person needs for the production of vitamin D. This vitamin is also very limited extent, to get food: from oily fish, cooking products, spreads and margarine. These latter products are vitamin D added during production.

Where vitamin D is known for: strong bones

Most people know that calcium is important for strong bones. And many people also know that vitamin D is important for strong bones. This is partly because vitamin D promotes calcium absorption. When someone gets little of these substances, there is a high risk of osteoporosis or fractures (especially in older women). But in young children is enough vitamin D also very important for building and growth of bones.

Reduced risk of colon, breast and prostate cancer

Vitamin D also has other benefits that until recently were not known and research has revealed. Vitamin D helps the possible risk of colon, breast and prostate cancer decrease, and possibly other cancers. This is among others also available on the website KWF Cancer. Vitamin D could prevent the cancer cells develop. How this works is still not entirely clear.

More muscle

Another effect of vitamin D that is less known is that it will provide more strength. For athletes, this is a significant impact and they will also benefit from an adequate intake of vitamin D. In a low blood level of vitamin D is also very low muscle strength. And it is important enough in the winter to get inside.

Literally makes you younger

Another possible effect of vitamin D that you ever could be older. Vitamin D would be the aging of the hereditary DNA delay. How this works is still unclear, but research showed that many women who had vitamin D in their blood, had less DNA than peers.

How much vitamin D per day

The Nutrition Center is the upper limit of 50 micrograms daily volume. When you get a healthy diet as an adult average 5 to 6 micrograms of vitamin D within. Ben least 15 minutes every day outside with bare hands and face, then you have enough vitamin D daily inside. A deficiency of vitamin D is usually caused by too little sunlight. If you consider you the greatest amount of vitamin D "in" getting by sunlight, it is therefore important to go out more often. The summer sun is strong here and of course it does not look too long in the sun unprotected. In the winter would get more vitamin D from diet and / or supplements can get.

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