HGH or Human Growth Hormone is one of the most powerful weapons in the fight against aging. You can inject them, but there are also ways the HGH level in the body in a natural way to increase. Human Growth Hormone increases muscle mass, decreases body fat, remove wrinkles, aging of the turns her back, give back meaning to sex and Energizer.

HGH or Human Growth Hormone
Daniel Rudman in 1990 it managed to reverse human aging. Wrinkles disappeared. Gray hair was back to black. Energy was rapidly rising. The sentence in sex returned. The reason for this sudden change was a protein called Human Growth Hormone.

Twelve men between 61 and 81 years old took part in the study voluntarily. For six months they were given injections of the Human Growth Hormone. The following results were measured:

* 14.4% reduction... in ...body... fat
* 8.8% increase in muscle mass
* 7.1% increase in the thickness of the skin
* 1.6% improvement beenderdichtheid

When Daniel Rudman of the study was published in the New England Journal of Medicine, he wrote: "The effects of six months Human Growth Hormone on muscle mass and body fat are similar to the changes that occur with normal aging 10 to 20 years .

Ofte HGH Human Growth Hormone is one of the most powerful weapons in the fight against aging. Our body makes large amounts of HGH in our childhood, but the production is smaller and smaller as we age. This reduction of HGH is the cause of many age ailments. Daniel Rudman's research showed that the Human Growth Hormone the following positive characteristics:

* More energy
* More interest in sex
* Increase muscle mass
* Loss
* Stronger bones
* Fewer wrinkles
* Healthy immune system
* Better mood
* Less cholesterol
* Sharper vision

HGH levels increase
The older we get, the less HGH or Human Growth Hormone our body produces. However, the amount of HGH easily be brought back to level.

By eating more protein, the quantity of HGH in the body height. This increase is limited, but effective nonetheless.

Sports increases HGH levels in your body. This effect only when you have heavy sports and exercises, like lifting very heavy weights or performing extensive abdominal exercises.

HGH injections
HGH can only be administered through injections. Because a protein is, your stomach will break down into amino acids HGH if you would take it orally. Thus, the Human Growth Hormone, virtually no effect.

HGH injections must be prescribed by a doctor. Once you start it, your blood should be regularly monitored. The Human Growth Hormone in most cases you can easily inject themselves by means of a "device" without needles. The first results are already noticeable after several weeks.

Aging prevention
Wrinkles Prevention: Overview and discussion of the main treatments for wrinkles (Botox, Mesotherapy, Crystal Clear, etc).

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