“Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.” The post of a principal is not a bed of roses as they think. It requires not only great scholarship but also a lot of administrative ability. A principal holds a place of great importance in the administrative of a college. The principal reflects the college and vice versa.

It is my earnest desire to be the principal of my college. If by the grace of God and good luck, I become the principal of my college, I will see that the college makes all-round progress. I will introduce the following reforms:

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy’ is a well-known saying. So games and sports will be made compulsory for all. The college will have a gymnasium and a swimming pool and all kinds of indoor and outdoor games. N.C.C. shall also be introduced. All the possible hobbies and extra-curricular activities will be encouraged.

I will make my students disciplined and well-behaved. Students, who break the rules of the college, shall be punished. I shall see that they obey their teachers. They will be taught the value of disciplined. It will help a lot in making the tone of the college. Fine buildings and costly furniture alone do not make a good college. Its goodness depends on its able teachers and their effective teaching. I shall have qualified teaching staff. I shall see that the teaching work runs smoothly. It shall be my first and foremost duty to see that the efficient teaching work goes on to bring praiseworthy results.

I will introduce moral teaching in the college. Periodical talks will be given on the duty of students towards their parents, teachers, country and God. They will be taught to follow the noble souls in their dress and habits. The moral teaching will help them to be honest, kind, polite and noble. ‘Simple living and high thinking’ will be the watch-word of the college. These are some of the reforms which I will introduce in the college. The reforms will be introduced by and by with the cooperation of all. May God fulfill my dream of being the principal of a college.

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