Success and failure are part of life

If you think you are the only person in this world who is not successful or full of gloom you have some good news for you, you are not alone. There are millions of people in this world, who think in almost the same way. They are not finding a single reason that will make them happier. However, there is no reason to feel that way because every one has some specialties in oneself, only they need to find those qualities out to make themselves better. One only needs to know his abilities to make himself happier and as far you are concerned, you certainly are not the one who deserves to be unhappy. Let us find out the ways, which will bring us back on to the track where the happiness begins.

You feel sad because – There is no reason to feel sad

In fact, there is no reason to feel sad specially so if you are not pessimistic and know how to love yourself, yes that is one mandatory need to be happy, love yourself and love others without expecting love in return. Nevertheless, you are not a loser, rest assured you would get what you give to others, and so if you are giving love to others, you are bound to get it back. This is custom of nature ‘whatever you have to offer to others, it comes back to you, whatever it is pleasure or pain’ 

Being successful is an art we can learn from a child 

It is not that important to be a winner all the time because that is not possible, some time you shall face failure and trust me that is where you learn the value of success. The person, who never failed although there is a remote possibility of such a person ever existed, would never know the importance of success. At least I do not know or yet to meet a person who never failed and became successful instantly. You can count out the persons who inherited money from their ancestors but rest of the lot earned it the hard way making tons of efforts to reach where they stand today and this is not limited to monetary field only but every other field. 

You can learn the art of success from a small child who first begins to crawl and than stands on his feet before learning to walk and run finally. Failure is very much part of life although some people never take it naturally or take it too seriously to the extent that they can go to the limit of ending their lives just because they could not accept failures in life gracefully. In fact, no one taught them their lesson about success and failure, which are two facets of the same coin. There is another big factor we all must know that if take success and failure from our mind, we shall be prepared to do things in better ways. 

Success comes to you the day we learn that failure is part of success. We should learn value of work that is more important than success or failure. Perhaps that was what Lord Krishna wanted to tell us when he said ‘your job is limited to work, you should do it carefully- result is not in your hands but your ultimate result, you should keep doing your job as per best of your ability’. Yes, we are creator of our own destiny, what we need is to keep ourselves ready.


Peace and anger – success or failure  

There are different reasons for one’s failures or successes or things not working according to your efforts. Peace and anger play with role in one’s life. Peace keeps you in right frame of mind, ready to attain big success while the anger works just opposite making its adverse effects on your body and mind which can destroy your capacity to work and hence the failure which you never wanted. There are scientific reasons also which show how anger can lead you to failure and unsuccessful. When you become angry it makes you frustrated a reason for releasing hormones of stresses, a sure way to harm your health, bodily and mentally. The result shows in your work, you cannot do anything in a way you prefer, successfully. 

There is more in life than success and failure

Never judge anyone or anything on its face value but accept them as they come. It is not your job to be judgmental which will only bring more unhappiness in your life leading you to more failures than you need or can handle. You may find it difficult to be neutral in the beginning but it perhaps is the best way to keep one happy and ultimately reaching to planned target more easily. Keep in mind that failures are no way end of the world but consider it a lesson of your life. You are the best one to judge your own doings but if you learn a lesson from your own doings either way, you will see that you are the ultimate winner. Once you will know where you were missing the points by making mistakes, you will certainly not let yourself down the next time.

What will make you an absolute success? 

Nothing- yes that perhaps is the best answer because human is nowhere near ‘perfect’ therefore there is no possibility of a perfect human with a hundred percent success rate. It really depends on what you consider to be a success or failure or how would you achieve success? There are number of people who are out to reach to success but not reaching there because they are trying to reach to their goals via shortcuts or trying too hard to get success by overdoing the act. You should rather try to do it in a relaxed way because you must have heard about ‘excess of everything is bad’ the success will certainly come your way but you shall have to make planned efforts for that, irrespective of mixed failures which are integral part of success. Finally, who has not committed mistakes even blunders on their way to success so you should not make it a point where there is no way to return.  The life is full of instances which make you feel as it was the end of world but if you have a strong willpower to fight and come out of failures you are going to be the ultimate winner.

Photo- From own source 

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