It is with a great feeling of regret that one can safely affirm the human civilisation has lost its true significance. At the most, it can be said or defined, as an evolutionary development of man in relation to his society in terms of his physical,mental and intellectual needs. The term "primitiveness"means ancient,original and it is associated to a period of time referred in history as the Stone age, progressively known as Neolithic Age as to how man has glorified himself as a rational being.

          Inspite of the advancement in the field of technology and education, there has not yet been a distinctive change in his attitude. He still emerges as an uncivilised man, enslaved to his impulses. The editorial writings of a newspaper revealing the violence and the heinous crimes committed by the so called civilised beings take us back to the prehistoric times of what has man made himself even in the present era. Thus, the principle of lawlessness prevails in a country where the great leaders havepreached and practised the value of Democracy.

Why has man forgotten his holy scriptures?

Does he believe in the truth that by rejuvenation his life with his indomitable will can transform darkness into life and ignorance into knowledge?

         These queries remain to be answered. It is high time that the students who represent at large the youth of this country should think deeply on the existing problems of life by changing and propagating the words of wisdom and cherishing the essential values of life for the welfare of their own civilisation.



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