In my opinion, the "Human Social Perspective" holds good. I do not believe in a person called God and also there is no higher/superior/special entity or "force" somewhere that is sustaining us all!

It's just us!

We all make a difference to each other than it's quite amazing and amusing for us to weave our experiences into stories and fantasies (Scriptures) to generate practices (religions/rituals) and pass them on to our next generations- some of them take it as it is and follow them blindly, some others understand them and forsake them thinking they are redundant/obsolete, some others adapt them to their current lives, and the rest have their own way of dealing with the same.

I would like to emphasize that we are individuals with different ideas and living styles- let us be our diverse selves- and live together.

God/Devil are our ideas- our creation- to give meaning to our experiences and generating a meaningful story which could give a purpose to our life.

I don't know why we are born and why do we have to live- I definitely would like to know that- however, the explanations involving God/Devil are no different than those referring to Santa Claus/Superman/Spiderman/Shaktiman/others to me!

I regard the religious scriptures in the same manner that i regard the Harry Potter series. Both are filled with "how to live life" skills!


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