Maugham's "Princess September" is a delightful story. Once there was a King of Siam. He had nine daughters, all of them were named by 'Months'. The youngest of them was called "Princess September".somerset

The King had habit of giving gifts to others during his birth anniversary. One year, on his birthday, he gave his daughters a beautiful green Parrots in a beautiful golden cage. One morning, the Princess September found her parrot lying dead. She burst into flood of tears and noting could comfort her. While she was lying on the bed, alittle bird entered her room and sang beautiful song. It told the princess that it was willing to be with her in place of dead parrot.

She took the bird to her sisters and showed it them. The King and Queen felt happy to hear its sounds. The sisters of Princess September were jealous. They advised her to the the bird in to the cage and keep it there. So, when the bird came back from an outing. She put it into cage.

The bird pleaded to the Princess to send itself free, but the Princess cared more for its safety, the bird did not feel likes singing. The next morning the Princess found the bird did not lying as if it dead. The Princess cried and the tears, fell on the bird. The bird opening its eyes. The bird told Princess that it would die. If it could not fly and sing. So, Princess granted the little bird its freedom.

After that the bird visited that now nad then and sang to her. Because of this bird sang the Princess grew beautiful. When she grew old enough, she married a King of Cambedia.


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