Today as I waited for the clock to strike 9, I wanted to escape the clutches of my house. I had a match coming up at 10. Trying to get out, I was rescued by a call by my friend. I had to reach the ring. Taking a chance provided by the call, I moved out. Reached the lockers by 9.45 and entered myself in the competition. Soon got the news that the person I assumed I would be facing had lost the match a day before. I was about to face Jeet. A ok fellow, as ok as Arny himself. Looked like a real terminator, 6 in height, tan, curly hair with brown eyes.I got ready for the match. I was called in the ring. On setting my foot in the ring I experienced a certain fright running within my body. This had not happened for the last 6 years. The referee checked and double checked my gloves. As I took my corner, I feared. I took a glance at the stalls where all my supporters had their eyes glued on me. As we were summoned in the centre and given the oath, the finale started. Crowed took the roar. Taking my step back and getting in position, a current ran through my body. The bell rang.Blocking 2 hits, the third hit me on the face and I fell on the floor. The crowed stood silent. A face that I admired passed in front of my face. She was wearing a red short kurta, hair firmly tied, with tears in her eyes hugged me and said, “I will miss you”. As in the background I heard the counts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7… and got up on 8. Referee ensured my condition as I got back on the mark. The next 3 shots came on face too and this time I did fall but was without senses. As I gained my life, there stood a crowed staring at me. Jeet was looking at my face with no happiness but with a big question mark. “How can 5 times heavy weight champion, that too with last three consecutive wins fall down?” He asked “what happened?” I just smiled. As the winner was given the rotating trophy I had for last three years, the stag pondered. So did Jeet. Jeet was given the mike where he gave all credits surprisingly to me. He insisted on knowing what was wrong. I said nothing. The mike came to me. I congratulated him and announced to the crowed that I was leaving boxing. Though many did not take up with the decision, they will later. Back in the locker room where I was ready to leave, Jeet came to me and asked “who is it?” I pondered. He mentioned about me smiling when I was down. I smiled again and he understood I did not want to talk about it. He touched my feet as it was a tradition in my group. He said “this trophy always belongs to you. You are a great person and a fighter. Every fifth I stand now I will stand by your name. I hope I will learn something from you. And that person who ever it is, is very lucky. As we both walked out, chairman of the competition came to me and said, “We are announcing prize money and a trophy on your name and will be given only the people who stand alone as champs for three consecutive years”. I say this was the best Honor I could get, though leaving out on my game was difficult. But I know. I had that face baking up my decision and my life.

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