Dear friends,

This is my first article for Boddunan and I would like to tell you  that its a real story of my best friend who is no more now.

I met her (My best friend) in the month of October 2009, actually we were in the same PG. She didn't have any friend in the PG and I was new there, first time we met in the dinning hall of our PG that time I looked at her and I gave her a smile then she asked me my name etc. Within a month we became good friends, slowly slowly I came to know that she has some problem I asked her many times but she didn't tell me.One day she was crying  and that day I asked her forcefully the reason. She told me that there is a guy in her life for last 4 years and she loves him so much but the guy belongs to a Jain family and she was from a Gupta family. She was very innocent actually that was not the reason , the actual reason was that guy with whome she was falling in love like a mad that guy was from a very rich family. She tried to convince him many times for marriage but he gave her the same reason everytime that he belongs to a Jain family so he can't marry her.

      After meeting me she started living her life happily because she was inspired. She stopped talking to that guy but still I don't understand what was the demand of that guy? When she stopped talking to him then after sometime he called her again and started meeting her again. He was just making her fool nothing else.Once again she started making her marriage plans with him this time that guy took her to his home and he introduced her with his mother and younger brother and he went out for some work.During that time his mother was trying to tell her what that guy was not able to tell her that whatever she is thinking is not possible


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