As  a lonely soul i keep wandering,
For the lovely sun rise.
And for you my friend.
My heart full of sorrows,
Waiting for you to overpower it.
When you ask me for one thing;
I'll ask for the happiness you bring.
Its so rare to find a friend like you.
When you are with me the sky is always blue.
When you come we are always together,
Where ever you go we are together always.
And where ever you are,
We are together always.
And everywhere you are
We are together always.
And when you want to call me,
Iwill wait for your voice.
Every decision you take is good
Any path we both together take
We go forward.
The way we both take the quiz
The way that all the pieces fit.
The way we know all the paets by our love
we have on eachother,
We are together always.

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