She was the 20th child of her parents out of 22 children.When she was 4 years old she had double pneumonia and scarlet fever which paralysed her left leg.At 9 years

of age she removed her leg braces and started walking  without them. Inspite of these problems,her aim was to become a runner. So at the age of 13 she participated in

races and miserably failed in all of them.She kept trying inspite of several detractors and finally started winning every race she participated and won three olympic gold medals.

She was none other than.....

wilma1 wilma2

He was scolded by his mathematics teacher for not paying attention in the class and not able to solve even simple problems.She told him that he would miserably fail

in his life and no body will respect him.But his mother believed him and taught him mathematics.

You want to know the boy?


einstein2 einstein1


He attended an interview for a news broadcaster's position and he was rejected because of his voice.He was also told that he would never be famous with his long name.

Today,almost every indian and even people all over the world can recognize his voice and the man is?


amitabh amitabh_bachchan_007


He was born in a very poor family in a small village.He was the fifth child for his parents out of seven.He was selling newspapers to earn money.He was not

a clever student at school but he had a passion for rockets.The first rocket he built crashed.The missile he built crashed multiple.But he went on to become the

person who scripted the space Odyssey of india single handedly.You might have guessed the person by this time. He is...


kalam a-p-j-abdul-kalaam


In the year 1962, four young musicians nervously played their first record audition for the higher officials of the Deccan recording company.They were not able

to impress the officals and were rejected.One of the official said "We don't like their sound.Group of guitars are on the way out".

The group was called.......




In 1944,Emmeline Snively,director of the blue book modelling agency told her "Don't come for modelling.You better take some secreterial job or get married".

The model is :


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