TDK is filled with ridiculous coincidences, but only because your holding it up to a higher bar. Would you call Batman Begins ridiculous? No because it was a silly movie with fun comic books themes in it, its not meant to taken seriously. TDK strives to employ grander themes and deeper psychological issues, with a more 'take me seriously tone', but continues with the silly coincidences. Its a little galling but in my opinion a lot of people don't notice because it encapsulates you into the movies logic sufficiently to override most people’s common sense.

Spielberg cant be compared with Hitchcock or Scorsese....Spielberg is nowhere even close to legends like that....

i understand Spielberg is many people's fays coz they watched many of his movies in high school which they loved...but only three of his movies could be considered classics....

He can't be compared with Nolan or QT coz the later two's movies have much more depth....

As far as entertainment value is considered compare Schindler's list which is Spielberg's best movie with Pulp Fiction or The Dark Knight....

I can watch the later two five times back to back...but I can't Schindler's head will burst if i try it......although no doubt it's a really great movie....

as for his movies like Jurassic Park or Jaws....he uses a lot of awesome special effects but 'shark still looks fake

with all due respect to some of the above comments i think steven Spielberg was the director who invented the genre of summer blockbuster in the states and eventually all over the world.
He was the first director who made movies for the family with full entertainment package.
It would be foolhardy to compare the director with the greats like ford Francis coppola or martin Scorsese.
But to his credit, Spielberg gave away some precious gems like the schindler's list and Saving private Ryan. and who can forget The Jaws and the Jurassic Park.

even talking speil berg is someone who is supposed to be the demy god of Hollywood he can never ever be compared with any of them all the people u mentions are the people who stick to some kind of genera but speilberg is someone who did movies of every gendre he is the father of hollywood block busters .He is the man who made Jurassic park possible wht can i say and wht is this comparison of schedulers list with pf and all every movie has its own soul and can't be compared.
If u think Speilberg is not good as some single movie hunk thn u has to think again.

speilberg is equal to or better than qt.(even i am qt fan, not Spielberg fan but fact is fact)

Nolan is nowhere near him,fuss.jurassic park had ZERO character development...

summer blockbusters are for kids....

saving private ryan,munich and schindler's list are the only movies he gave that can be considered classics....
and spielberg started out wid wat??hes made jus bout one movie every year!his filmography can hardly be called consistent!nolan has been outperforming himself wid every movie that he makes!
Spielberg as director is any day better than Nolan.

Jurassic park is classic in it's genre, it doesn't need to have character development bcoz it is not required there.

i can't call any nolan movies great yet,memento,tdk,insomnia were very good though but schindler's list,spr-ahh awesome.
I like the work of QT and as well as Nolan infact speaking of things i'm dying fan of Qt

But how in the name of god u can compare someone with a legend like speil.The 3 masterpieces u mentioned as spiel bergs work are the works tht are similar to QT and Nolan tht is because thy belong to tht particular gender only but speil didn't chain himself to a particular gender he is the director of "Munich" and he is the director of "JP"
he is the one of "Indiana Jhones" he directed also the director of
"catch me if u can" and also "terminal" he brought a revolution in film industry by producing several masterpieces .How can u even not talk abt minority report he brought such a complex stories close to the people.

I wish to see such a versatility in QT and Nolan i want to see them making a comedy flilck.Thts a distant call so never go near a demi god.
fame achieved by a person shouldn’t affect ur opinion on his performance ...i m sure if srk was a flop star & had no fans then same people who criticize him would call him a gr8 actor...same goes with spielberg & other popular people,
the best is
steven speilberg without ne doubt n hesitation
because he is veteran director given great commercial hits n also proved his versatility by successfully directing movies like the schindlers list........etc

Nolan is good but not great though im a big fan of TDK n memento............
but experience counts alot

Nolan may overtake Spielberg after some 12 to 15 yrs....FOR SURE??????

and yes...any day...i would choose Pulp Fiction or TDK over schindler's list if you talk abt entertainment values.

Spielberg caters to the public who watch a movie at the end of the day for entertainment....I AM NOT FOR ONCE SAYING THAT HE ISN'T A GREAT FILM-MAKER...




abt scorcese,hitchcock,they are better than all these three .

and Jurassic park is a classic in it's genre, nowhere it is written that special effect movies can't be classics.

he is a legend no doubt..coz he has given the most no. of blockbusters by any director...and i do not expect anyone to beat him in the near future...he makes his movies keeping his audiences in mind..its appeals to everyone...common people all of his movies are enjoyable for the 1st view!!..but none of them are in any way cult classics..because he doesnt mean his movies to be like that...and i respect him for that...his movies are meant to give entertainment ...he doesnt give u anything to scratch ur heads over!!

comparing him with any director (especially NOLAN) is not justified..its like comparing apples with oranges...both have different flavours but and are also good in their own way!
Nolan is nowhere near spielberg dude. i would like to call Nolan a critic's director just dont understand the comparison. spielberg is a veteran and a legend in his field as he is a very experienced director. Spielberg has directed variety of talent in his growing years and have made stars out of them from them being nowhere. take example of vin diesel who become a star after working in his movie saving private Ryan.
nolan has been only working with limited actors like Christian bale for all these years.
nolan is just experiencing his honeymoon period in the hollywood industry as he is yet to make a bad film.
only time will tell if he can up the tempo with his new films. and u know what pressure is certainly on nolan after directing dark knight as he will have to make merry of his talent without heath ledger, which i think was the backbone of the movie while continuing the batman series.
all these debates will be put to rest after Spielberg’s Abraham Lincoln with Liam nelson of the schindler's list iz goin to be bigger than the former one.
comparing nolan with spielberg is's like mrinal said..comparing apples with oranges...Compare Spielberg with Cameron or Nolan with..well Nolan is incomparable simply coz of the fact that his movies with the exception of following are in a genre of their own....

Torantino is one kind of director who discusses the things with extremely brilliant words and performances where as in the Nolan's films it is done by story and screenplay.

Torantino's films have excellent screenplay but even if they don't have that screenplay he could have done that excellence only with the dialogues the depth of discussion of the characters in his movies that’s the thing with made torantino excellent .
I think every1 is good!
I mean comparison is not possible..!
Nolan has made great impact. Spielberg has a lot of real good movies..!!

So I feel comparison not possible. But it is a fact tat Spielberg has heck of an experience.. So will his movies be influenced by tat!
Where as in Nolan's film the excellence is through the extraordinary screenplay along with the great story and great performances altogether makes his movies awesome
Cheers !!!

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