Young people today begin to explore sex early. influence of the mass media,music, the pressure of the "chorus" and sometimes, family affect their decisions, but the word of their parents or mothers is still very important to them. In a recent survey almost 40% * of young people the Dominican Republic said they would like receive more information about sex by
their fathers or mothers. This means that they trust more in you than your friends.

They are waiting. If you do not speak

now, someone else will. The silence is worse.* PSI / Gallup Dominican Republic, in May 2004. CAP, Youth 13 to 24 years.Your sons and daughterswant to hear

You can take advantage of any opportunity to open the item sexual health or sex. The important thing is not to wait until have "the talk" but to talk issue openly inspirándote in everyday things, for example, ask what they think when they see a couple acting suggestively in a soap opera or ask them I explain what they mean with the letters a song.
Listen to them and pay attention to what they do showing interest in what they care about. Assists its sporting events, learn some of the activities they love spending time with them doing these activities. In this way communication on issues sensitive flow naturally.
Communicating with your sons and daughters is much more easy when you have a close relationship with them and for it is never too late. Start now!

Your sons and daughters do you

questions because he wants to knowwhat you think, so do not be afraid to tell your opinion. By
Tell stories about your childhood experiences positive or negative you had as a teenager and
what you learned from it. Think about your first kiss, your first boyfriend (a) and your friends when you were teenager. Although some activities have changed, most still have them today. Chances are that your child or daughter is undergoing the same as you when you were
that age. Use your positive experiences to build the bridge will you trust to talk to your sons and daughters of these issues. Your point of view

Remember all the questions you had about sex when you were a teenager? Them also have the same doubts. For example:

• How do I know if I'm in love (a)?
• Will strengthen the relationship sex  with my boyfriend (a)?
• How do I know if I'm ready (a) for sex sex?
• Should I wait until I am married (o)?
• Will having sex make me popular at school?
• How do I explain to my boyfriend (a) you do not want  relations with him (her) without damaging my relationship?

Questions your sons and daughtersmost want to discuss

• What is a condom and how to use? What effect has on my body?
• What are the risks of having sex?
• How I can get pregnant your first time?
• HIV Can?
• What other diseases can be transmitted for sex?

Remember, that your sons and daughters have these doubt does not mean that they are participating in a intercourse. The questions are a standard part of adolescence.

The adolescents who study and plan to go ahead with its education, as well as those who communicate with their family members are much more likely to have success in their lives.
Help your children to determine what they want do in the future. Explain that being a father or mother early or having transmitted infection threatening sexual future. Promotes activities extracurricular activities such as sport, arts or service Community as a way to acquire tools necessary to succeed. Pay attention to what they are doing in school
making sure you know where they are after school, what they do and what they do. If you have
problems talk to their teachers, try to find reason. Do not blame them, encourage them to focus and try to help as you can. Promotes talks their dreams, desires and concerns. Help them to think in the future. The future of your sons and daughters is in your

Your future depends communication TODAY

* Enough! March, 2002, International Planned Parenthood Western Hemisphere Region, Sto.Dgo., Dominican Republic ** Family Institute Santo Domingo. In a survey of patients Profamilia clinics found that 95% * of cases child abuse were committed by someone familiar. Other study of university students demonstrated that 30 to 40% ** of the participants have suffered some form of sexual abuse. If we stop this violence the first step is communication with our

sons and daughters.

• Let them know that this type of abuse exists and that is something we do not have to tolerate.
• Tell them that if ever something happens that makes them have to tell you uncomfortable
• Displays a caring attitude, that's up to you your sons and daughters feel safe to discuss
with you the things that happen.
• Tell them that rape is a serious crime, that This law punishes those who commit action and makes them damage and therefore must be stopped, although it (a) is her boyfriend (a) or a relative.
• Make sure your relationships are healthy. Sexual abuse

May your sons and daughters are young

does not mean they can not  love or feel an interest sexuality. These feelings are real and strong, therefore parents have to teach our sons and daughters to handle feelings responsibly. We raise our sons and daughters openly and warm. Teach them that sex is not a bad thing, but something that is natural and enjoyable, provided they are really ready to assume responsibilities involved. It is important to establish an open and honest with your sons and daughters early, respect Their views and wishes, but also teach the reality of our world.

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