Let the ambulance of love

come take my crashed soul away,

the soul which was unable

to be save by the accident of heartbreak,

let them put me on a guerney of hope,

to know that my heart can live again


But for now, I'm on the ground

and the sob of twilight is my deathbed

the news she gave me

was as electrifying as the militance

of a tazor


But now a name comes like a siren,

to deliver me, a corpse of hopeless

me, a corpse,

my heart, a corpse,

zombies in the existence of love

but with her kiss,

there shall be an unbeatable sunlight,

and my heart shall wear the rainbow

as a scarf

to show that there is new life

and that the downfall of a man

is certainly not the end of his life.

                                                   By Kakraba Afful

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