she was my armour,

not even the arrows of life

could conquer me when she was there

my breastplate of gold,

my breastplate of power


whenever she walked,

shadows got burnt,

she wore the cloak of the sun

everywhere she went,

she always went with the

glory of my heart,

my wondering heart,

always wondering how she did it,

she was the perfume I wore

my whole life,

powerful five years

my eyes would question tears then,


not know,

sadness seems to be my consolant

brother, by the curse of her departure,

there was a strange

eclipse of the shadows,

and she wasn't around to burn them

with her cloak of the sun

it seems I was living in a nighmare

that never left,

a tornado that eternally

tore apart my heart,

but if she was here,

she would have made it bow to me,

she was immensely powerful,

she was my princess...

                                    By Kakraba Afful

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