If you can close your eyes,

and hear nature's rhythm,

it would be just the both of us,

holding hands in this thoughtless world


If you can wish upon every star,

and make merry with the wind,

there shall I be in your heart,

I shall breathe the oxygen of omnipotence

you gave me


If you can dance to the sunlight,

so will I shine like your smile,

and our happiness,

and carry us to an immortal wilderness


If you can look into my eyes

and tell the time,

then you know that it is love


If you can...

If you can look at how the land

stretches like a canvas upon the earth,

and paint my existence,

so shall I live, by the believe in your heart


If you can speak in clarity

and make no flaws with this eloquence,

in a lightning faith,

so shall I be strong,

with the muscles of transparence

that your verbal gym has given me


If you can look deep inside

my heart, you shall see it is

a bottomless well that overflows

with the justification

of my eyes,

and the warmth of my smile,

and the tingle in my hands,

all because of you


If you can comprehend,

hear and unleash

the riddle of passion,

then I shall no more be a mystery,

and the wisdom of our lips,

shall run their full course


If you can walk

the steps of adoration,

and reach for the mountains,

I shall be the wings

that befriend you with the sky


If you can dance

to the tune of sanguinity,

I shall become light,

and no darkness shall

there be in your life


If you can wrestle with destiny

with persistence,

and change its course,

then our hearts shall be wed

with a pride,

that batters that of a lion,

and our valor shall know no limits


If you can see,

within me,

the clarity that you brought,

at my first sight,

then I shall be infinity,

limitless like eternity


If you can come into my arms,

strong and humble awaiting

your embrace,

my days shall always be daybreak,

and the sun shall never set,

since I found you.

                                               By Kakraba Afful

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