NewYear1Did you made new year resolutions on this new year?. You must have thought to reduce weight, to control anger, to save money , to leave a bad habit or any other resolution. But the main question is did you follow it or are you trying to achieve your goal? Studies have shown that very few people keep up with the new year resolutions that they make and hardly achieve it . They give up their resolutions within one or two months. They loose their confidence and think that they made a wrong resolution which cannot be achieved easily. This type of behaviour is a common human nature and there are many people who question upon their capabilities.

Some of the reasons why we cannot achieve new year resolutions are that we make resolutions to do the things which we dont like or we make resolutions which are very challenging for us and hard to achieve. We mostly make resolutions regarding our behavioural things like eating less , watching less tv which are not easy to follow as one may be habituated to eat a lot daily or watch lot of tv daily thus one cant easily change his natural behaviour. Thus this make achieving  new year resolutions a hard task and their is failure in achieving them. An individual should plan and make his resolutions so that it can be achieved. Resolutions should be something which one is capable to achieve.

The reason for failure of resolutions is not lack of knowledge but it is just that we cant do everything we think. We think to do the best things which are not easy for everyone. One may be a very good thinker but while making resolutions he fails. while making resolutions  we just think to achieve something big or change ourselves which is wrong. To achieve a resolution one must be focused on his want. If he has made a goal to lessen down weight then he must always think in mind things like we wants to be thin, we wants to look better than others, he will not get attracted to food, he will change his diet and such other things. The main focus should be on the want of the resolution . One who has made a resolution to reduce weight shouldnt get attracted to choclates or cakes as it may result in the failure of the resolution.

We often tell others about the resolution we make.For example some one who has made resolution to get thin by the next winter may tell his friends and relatives about it. When we tell about our goals and resolutions to our friends and relatives we take a risk . The risk is that if we fail to achieve it or give up the resolution we may feel humiliated in front of them. Thus telling of the resolutions to the others should be avoided. When we tell our resolution to others our motivation may go down thinking about the humiliation that may have to be faced in future due to non achievement of resolution.

For achieving the resolutions one should keep up in mind the following things

  1. The resolution can be broken down into steps. Just by achieving small steps one can reach the goal.
  2. One must regularly remind themself about their resolutions and benefits that they will get after achieving them.
  3. Becoming happy when some of the steps of the resolutions are achieved
  4. Being confident of one's capability

Thus new year goal may be very hard to achieve and many fail in achieving them but those who follow the right way achieve them.


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