SOIL SMELL is the Secret of Microbes:


Have you ever experienced the astonishing smell arise while the starting of Rain?


Yes, its a fabulous aroma of soil.


Do you know how does the smell arise from the soil?

its are all about the secret of microbes.

"Actinomycetes", its one of the genera of microbes having the properties of both bacteria and fungi.

the specific species named as Streptomyces griseus is the secret of soil aroma while raining.

the species Streptomyces griseus generally the soil origin, have the property to produce an oil called as GRISEFULVIN.

this Grisefulvin was exposed and oxidized when the rain starts ,that’s why we are enjoying and healing the fresh aroma of soil.


The species not only producing such a exotic aroma, but also used to produce good Antibiotics.


Streptomycin Antibiotic was produced from this Streptomyces griseus only, and also some other antibiotics like Kannamycin, Neomycin, Erythromycin, Chloramphenical, Tetracycline are extracted from this species.


All the species of Streptomycetes are not Harmful, but Streptomyces somaliensis is the Human pathogen can cause Actinomycetoma.


so next time while enjoying the smell of Soil, think its are all the extraordinary intelligent microbes are the reason.

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