
Man is also called a social animal. We all live in a society or within a community. Man cannot live alone. Society provides safety, security and also supports to each other. We can say a community as a big family, where we enjoy living with others social animals.


Social life can be divided into two categories. One is rural life and other is urban life. In simple word we say village life and town/city life. The villagers lead a simple life than cities., so their requirements are also different from the people of cities.

Interdependence among all in society:

In our social life we live in a family comprises with school, and neighborhood. Living together in a society helps to solve various problems by give and take policy. No people of a community can meet all demands independently. We have to depend on each other. There are various types of skilled workers in society like farmers, shopkeepers, teachers, doctors, plumbers, barbers etc. We need their help in our daily life. This interdependence helps us to live together and thus a community or society forms.

Some important places in a society:

Family- We all live in a family, consisting with parents, grandparents, children, uncle, aunts etc. It is the first and important unit in a society. Family is also called the first school of society. We may learn various types of skills from our society like walking, talking, behavior, discipline, honesty, patriotism and also about dedication. It is called Sanskaars. In return we should have some duties also towards our family and society. We should be co-operative, helpful and loyal to each other. We get friends, philosophers and guides, who become well-wisher of us.

Next School- Another important place of our social life is school. Education started from here with art of living. So it helps us to be a good citizen and human beings to make some positive contribution towards our society.

Our neighborhood- Everything in our surroundings, whether living or nonliving is a part of our neighborhood.. We need a strong and friendly neighborhood in any level of society as a good neighborhood ties the individuals and helps to make a strong community.

Now economic side of a society:

From when we started to live as a settled life, we started to do different jobs. But we are unable to do all jobs individually. So various activities divided among various people to different occupations like trading, farming,  weaving, tailoring etc. At first people exchanged their goods to fulfill the individuals need and demand. Later it turned in exchange of money. In a society it is called economic interference.

All economic activities are done in a chain. So division of labor makes us specialized also and thus the system helps to increase the production and decrease in cost.

An example of community where different casts and religions live together with a harmony:

It is Bhojpur district in Punjab where people of different casts and religions live together with a common harmony. There are no signs of any discrimination among different religions. They respect all and also participate in all religious festivals and attend all ceremonies like Eid, Diwali, and Gurupurav etc. Different languages like Hindi, Panjabi, and Urdu are spoken here. Dresses are also different, food habits are also different but they maintain a common harmony. This district may be a good example to whole society of our country as unity in diversity.

Conclusion-India is a big country having different religions. We follows all custom of different cultures. For example we learn different dances of different community as Manipuri, Oddissi, Katthak etc. We celebrated the harvest festival also In different names. When we cut and gathered crops we celebrate baisakhi in Punjab, Onam in Kerala, Pongal in Tamil Naru , Nabanna in Bengali etc.. We celebrate national festivals among all religion.

It is said that where there is no need of communal harmony, there must be no communication. So communal  harmony is essential. Harmony is the fundamental law of creation also. Harmony means binding together and being concord with one another living in unity, beyond class, caste and religions barriers. So it is essential now a day.

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