Spread Islam

  • Mahmud of Ghazni: Personal Life of a Great Sultan

    Mahmud of Ghazni is recognised as a great soldier. His 17 invasions of India over a period of 27 years are the stuff legends are made off. It's  a matter of surprise that Mahmud of Ghazni emerged from Central Asia on to India, through the passes of the North West Frontier and yet none of

  • One of the Great but Ruthless Muslim Conquerors: Timur Lang

    french kanana cover 200 266

    One of the great dichotomies of world history is that Islam produced a string of world conquerors,  while the Buddhists and Hindus have nothing to show in this

  • The War Against the Minority in Islam


    At the start I must draw a parallel with Nazi Germany to bring out the point that the silent majority is often coerced into submisssion and a stage comes when it becomes irrelavent. This happened in Germany when Adolf Hitler rode to power.

    Hitler we must remember came to
