


The central nervous system consists of Brain and Spinal cord.



Both of them are protected by bone.


Brain is the largest component of central nervous system. Brain contains millions of neurons which play a very important role.


The brain stem consists of medulla, pons, and mid brain.


Brain stem connects the spinal cord to the brain.


Brain stem is the most important part of our human body. Any damage or injury to the brain stem will lead to death.


The complete central nervous is protected by three membranes called as meninges.


The three layers are dura mater, arachnoid and pia meter.


Dura mater is the outer membrane. Which is tough and fibrous.


Arachnoid is middle membrane. It contains blood vessels.


Pia meter is the innermost layer. This lies on the spinal cord directly.


The meaninges contains fluid in which it floats that is called cerebro spinal fluid.


Both the meaninges and cerbro spinal fluid protects the brain and spinal cord.




It is located at the base of the brain. Other words it can be said as continuation of the brain.


Spinal cord helps in transmitting the impulses between the brain and the body.


Spinal cord contains thirty one pairs of nerves which arise from various segments of the entire spinal cord.


This article is a brief introduction for brain and spinal cord that is central nervous system.


Hope it helps you to understand. If you want to know more about it in simple words, please post your queries.


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