Motor cars were invented about eighty five years ago; and even eighteen years ago there
were not many India. Then Indian gentlemen drove about in carriages, traps and buggies,
drawn by horses. But nowadays we hardly see in the streets of a big town any horse-
carriages, except the common Tongas; for all the people who used to keep horses and
traps, now have motor cars. Motor cars are now so common, that even the villagers do
not bother to look at them as they rush along the roads; whereas several years ago they
started at them in wonder, or ran away in fear.

One reason why motor cars are so much used now is that they are cars were very clumsy
and rather slow, and they often broke down. But now they are well made, and run
smoothly and very quickly, and give very little trouble. A good car will run thousands of
miles without wanting any repairs.

Another reason is that they have become so cheap. Of course, the best cars, like the
Mercedes or Toyota, still cost a lot of money, and only rich people can buy them; but
there are many good cars that even men who are not rich can buy. The though it is not
pretty, it is very useful and can do a lot of hard work.

When one has once had a motor car, one does not want to go back to a horse and
carriage; for a car goes much more swiftly, and it can travel for hundre
without getting tried. Also nowadays it costs less to keep a car than a horse.

Some cars can go ninety to hundred kilometers an hour-faster than some of railway-trains
in India. They are also easy to manage, for one can soon learn to drive.

Motor cars are used not only for pleasure, but also for business, for carrying goods, and,
in the army for carrying troops and supplies.

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