A major area where change in relationship is clearly noticeable is family. In general, there is clear deterioration in the family relationships, for which both the adolescent and the family members are responsible.

Even after the child grows older, the parents and other elders of family don't change their ideas about the abilities and capacities of the adolescent. Also they consider him as the same child with the same characteristics and qualities. But the paradox is that the expectation put on them become very high. They are expected to be mature and behave like an adult. From the part of the adolescents they don't feel the same freedom and attachment with the parents which they did have in their Childhood. Thus they don't want the parent to poke into their personal life. They may rebel, express negativism or even openly blurt out to their parents. However, this should not be seen by the parents as something shocking or disrespectful. They are all signs of growth and development.

Generation Gap, The gap between the older generation and the adult becomes prominent in adolescence. This is more so in the modern period. The ideas, ambitions, values, mores and standards of the adolescent and the older generation will vary significantly. The older generation finds the younger one as thoroughly spoiled and perverted. The younger group, however, finds the older one as 'outdated', 'conservative', etc. In fact it is only a cultural gap. This is most prominent in the area of sexual mores.

Who is responsible for this state of affairs? The parents alone are not to be blamed. The young adolescents are very unpredictable, irresponsible, impulsive and difficult to live with. Their decisions are often impulsive and clearly lack the touch of experience. Their inability and unwillingness to communicate with their parents further worsen the situation. Many adolescents feel that their parents do not properly understand them.

Improvements in Family Relationships

As the adolescent progresses in age, the relationships with the family members improve. The parents realize that their son/daughter is no more a child and this will influence them to give more privileges and responsibilities to them. The parents try to understand the adolescent and the new cultural values and making a conscious effort to understand their world.

The older adolescents accept their siblings in a calmer and philosophical manner. They even develop a parent-like attitude to the younger ones. Thus by the close of adolescence there is much smoother family relationship.

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