exercise1Some people think that they are fit and they will remain the same as long they can but after the age of 40 one can find he is loosing his body shape or he is not that fit as he was before. This is all due to the loss of bone and muscle mass that starts to happen after the age of 40 or as one keeps growing older. Every year one loosed some bone mass and gain some fat weight after the age of 40. Some may think that they have might be have got affected by some disease thats why they are not feeling fit but its all due to the age.

One needs to be aware of the changes that are taking place in the body.One should visit the doctor regularly to know about the reason of such changes and also to do the bone density test.One should try to maintain a constant weight by taking proper diet and staying active.If one looses a lot of weight together it can have harmful effects so one must take care that there is not a big reduction in the weight.One should consult the doctor regularly to know the food to be included in diet.

One should eat large proportions of vegetables at fruits to get the proper amount of vitamins and minerals and also to avoid weight loss.Eating plenty of vegetables and fruits can help maintain the same weight after the age of forty.One should see that he takes a diet which contain a good level of carbohydrates and proteins.

After the age of forty to maintain a proper body and shape one needs to do regular exercise at least 4 to 5 times a week.Their are many celebrities that are fit after the age of 40 due to regular exercising.They work out daily for 2 to 3 hours and also do weight training. If you are working out in a gym your trainer will advice you according to your age which exercises to do. One should make a goal to stay fit and happy in life.

Doing yoga and playing sports is also a good way to maintain the fitness and keep the body in shape. Yoga helps to strengthen muscles and also keeps them flexible.There will be less joint and back pain problems if yoga is done regularly.

One should be confident and say himself that there is nothing impossible .One needs to take proper care and maintain a regular time table to stay fit.One should be of the thinking that they can be fit at any age.

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