The advancement of technology has helped us form millions of colors of the same type. Now you could choose from a variety of shades of colors. Whether you want red or crimson red or some other shades of red, it is all possible by varying the seven basic shades of the spectrum.


To brush up, the seven basic shades of spectrum are as follows:









Colors play an important part in our life. Have you ever been affected by colors? Did it happen any time that you experience a change in your mood due to the colors around you?  Yes, it is called color psychology. Although the variation in your mood depends on the personal choice of colors too but the general effects of colors remain. For example, while green may be an appealing color to you, for some it might arouse a feeling of jealously. Lot many factors are involved for this particular reasons. As for now, we will concentrate mainly on the various effects of color and choosing the right shades of color for our room.

A generalized study showed opinion of people on the five basic colors as:


High activation, surprised, intense


Inactivated, pleasant, happy, cheerful, glad


Activated, pleasant calm, at ease, serene


Low-activation, pleasant, quiet, tranquil, still


Unpleasant, unhappy, miserable, sad

In ancient times, it was believed that the various colors had their own effect on our health. It is still followed today. Here are some of the colors that affect the body:


Used to stimulate the body and mind and to increase circulation. People sense a greater speed and force in them.


Thought to stimulate the nerves and purify the body.


Used to heal the lungs and to increase energy levels.


Believed to soothe illnesses and treat pain.


Thought to alleviate skin problems.


Choice of color for your Room

The effect of color depends purely on your perception. It is your likeness for a particular color that mostly commands your mood. Before choosing a color for your room, make sure to study your inclination for a particular color. Take the consent of other members of the family too as their choice is also equally important in balancing the overall mood of the house.

Choosing a color for your room has to be done very wisely. It is a place to relax and de stress yourself. So choosing a color that lightens you is one of the most important factors. It is also important to keep the health factor in mind. It is always preferred to choose a lighter shade of a particular color for your room. This would help drain away the heaviness of your mood.

However, people now-a-days tend to choose darker shades to give a more sophisticated look to the room.

Below are some of the basic colors are their effects:

White: It symbolizes purity and innocence. It is the most neutral and light color. However, white is not much preferred for rooms as they are difficult to maintain. Moreover, it implies a sense of hollowness and emptiness at times. People prefer using lighter shades of brighter color than white.

Red: It is the most intense color. It symbolizes love and attraction.  It raises your energy level and increase the excitement level. It is better to have this in an area where the family sits together. This color stimulates the adrenalin and hence helps in initialing good conversation.

Crimson: This shade of red takes you to the negative side. The presence of this color affects peace and harmony.

Blue: It symbolizes peacefulness, calmness and relaxation. The lighter shades of blue are mostly preferred for bedrooms where you want to relax and drive away your energy. Whereas lighter shades give you a sense of calmness, the darker shades bring in sadness in you.  This color is also indicative of loyalty and productivity. Avoid using darker shades of blue for your room as far as possible.            Negative effects could be sadness and depression.

Purple: It symbolizes wealth, elegance and sophistication. Lighter shades of violet bring calmness and relaxation while a darker shade enhances creativity. It has more positive effects than lighter shades of blue.

Pink: The most romantic color and favorites among the women. They have tranquilizing effects and help a lot when you want to create a romantic environment. This color is also indicative of softness. Children rooms or rooms for girls are generally painted with the lighter shades of pink.


Yellow: It is the color of the sunshine which symbolizes that it uplifts the energy level. It enhances concentration. However, it is not a color which appeals the eyes. It is good for places such as dining room, kitchen, and bathroom. Sometimes this color infuses anger, temper and irritation. The babies will cry more in a room painted with this color.


Orange: It once again symbolize energy as well as excitement. As it level up your enthusiasm, it is best suited for the fitness room where you need to be highly energetic.

Green: It symbolizes rest, freshness and comfort. It is an indication of nature. Greeneries always relaxes the mind. It is the most appealing color to the eye. Green is formed from the combination of yellow and blue, so it has all the positive effects of both the colors. It can be applied for any part of the room. It has the dual effect of promoting the energy level as well as driving away your tensions and stress. Lighter shades of green have more positive effect.


Black: It is the color for authorities well as submission. This shade is preferred mostly in furnishing the room. Works and matches best with the lighter shades. However, this color also symbolizes overpower and evilness, so make sure that you don’t overdo with this color.

Brown: It is mostly used for furnitures as it is the color of the wood. It symbolizes earth and hence is indicative of genuineness. It matches well with the lighter shades in the room.

Note: For ceilings, it is a custom to paint it white. However any lighter shade will hold good for it.

These are the generalized ideas that have been put forward. However, on a personal basis take care of other factors too and your own personality.


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