Seeing the Balloon seller’s balloons in myriad colours , children  flocked around him screaming with ecstasy. The balloon man seeing their elation took a helium filled balloon and let it go flying in the air. As the balloon was going up and up, the children’s joy reached a crescendo. Their ecstatic screams grew louder and louder.

Away from this din, a boy of 6, stood calmly afar lost in thoughts,  but keenly watching the flying balloon without batting the eyelid. This has drawn the attention of the Balloon man. He slowly approached the boy and gently lifted the boy’s chin and turned his face towards him.

‘Why my son, you are so quiet. Didn’t you like the balloons?’

‘Sure I like them a lot. But I have a doubt.’ Do you think any balloon can fly like that balloon?’ the boy pointed towards the balloon that was flown by the Balloon seller a while ago.

‘And any colored balloon can fly like that balloon’?, the boy again asked.

‘My son’, its not the color of the balloon, it’s what the balloon is filled up with that makes the balloon go up.’

It’s what exactly that makes our lives touch peaks of glory. The thing inside us. The power that makes us fly and touch the hitherto unheard of heights. That thing is attitude.

Having Attitude is enough?

No not enough. Self development experts believe, no amount of ‘Attitude’ in a person will deliver, if there is no solid foundation.

We are aware that its only people with positive attitude and dedication can impart strength to the foundation, which in its turn will build up the right attitude necessary to scale new heights in anybody’s life.

See this example.  Calgary tower, is an observation tower in Canada. It Is 191 metre tall and weighs approximately 10,900 tons. The fact that about 60 percent of this massive structure is below the ground speaks volumes about the importance of a strong foundation for a structure to last long.

On a strong and sturdy foundation of Attitude success in any field can be achieved.

How attitude affects your Goals

With the right kind of attitude one realizes, the opportunities are always under one’s nose. A positive attitude teaches you how to look at a setback.

The Biblical story of David and Goliath depicts how with positive attitude a small boy David could vanquish a giant like Goliath. When the people around him thought that Goliath is too big an opponent for a small David, David himself was too confident of his own way of tackling the giant.

Today’s corporate world too has firm belief in people’s attitude. They see in a prospective candidate’s innate positive attitude. They observe a candidate’s caliber and ability to turn  an obstacle in to a stepping stone.

How to measure your attitude.

At what stage of a person’s life, the trait of ‘Attitude’ enters?  Is it an inborn quality? Or is it a trait that forms after a particular age?

It is said that most of our attitude is formed during  development years of human beings, That is  the period in human development that starts with puberty  and adulthood.

The 3 factors that determine a person’s attitude.

Three factors influence a person that determine his attitude. They are 


Interaction with Erudite.


Here is an evaluation of the 3 factors. The first factor environment ‘s range is very wide. It starts with home, school, work place. And then the background from which one hails, family history, influence of beliefs and customs and last but not the least is Political background.

The effect of environment is evident from the fact, we come across with people with extremely good behavior and extremely bad behavior. This itself explains the effect of different  environment on the individual .

We see people with honest law abiding and courteous  qualities hailing from the Countries with good and honest governances.

In a similar way meeting and interacting with people of erudition will have a positive effect on the people, causing an effect on attitude.

 Education is another aspect that leads to positive attitude. Education doesn’t mean mere  academic qualifications.

Hallmark of people with positive attitude

They stand head and shoulders above the rest. They have an immense faith in themselves. Persons with positive attitude, wherever they are make their presence felt. They are conspicuous with their pleasing manners. It looks as though he is wanted by all and sundry. 

Benefits of Positive attitude

People with positive attitude are a part of the solutions, not of the problems. In times of crisis, they maintain a cool attitude. They always allay the fears of tension. They will never treat themselves as ‘Super Powers’, but as another person in the team. Whatever they do and whatever success they achieve, will be treated as a Team Job.

It goes without saying all the benefits together make the work spot as a family.

Ill effects of Negative attitude

It’s said, people  with Negative attitude are their own enemies. If persons with Positive attitude are viewed as Cynosure of all eyes, people with negative attitude are viewed as an ‘Eye sore.’ Such people neither have confidence on themselves or on the other’s confidence. As if this quality is not enough, they discourage and pull the legs of others, if they undertake a venture. They suffer with stress and make others suffer with stress. They pass on their negative attitude to the people in the society. Simply put, people with negative attitude are a liability to the society.

Ways to build up the Positive attitude.

At the outset of this article I mentioned, that the starting point of forming attitudes is Childhood. Especially during formative years. Remember, its possible to weed out the negativity and the related negative attitude that took place in a person.

 After identifying that you are seized by negative attitude, you should take a stance to curb it. That is your conscious  efforts are the much needed weaponry to put an end to negative attitude. For this,  we have to start the process of self- exploration or Self- analyses.

 Be honest. Identify those shortcomings which you feel are contributing to the negative attitude. Accept responsibility for your flaws. Sincerely, come to a decision to mend your ways so that you can join the mainstream

Learn to see the Positivity.

Stop judging the people or the situations. Start searching for good points in the person or in the situation.

Develop an attitude to ‘Do it Now.’

Procrastination is the enemy number one. It hinders progress. An incomplete task haunts you reminding your undoing. This makes you rush for the things. And rushing may lead to committing mistakes. Complete the task in time and feel for yourself the energy that rushes in makes you exhilarating. And remember this energy is required to start the next task with more vigour.

Know that there is no alternative to develop Positive attitude except avoiding procrastination.

Count your blessings.

You are born with some good qualities. Nobody is 100% useless and nobody is 100% useful. Wisdom lies in improving your own good traits and gaining mastery over them. If you ignore your own good traits and start brooding over other’s virtues. You lose both.

 Hence bear it in mind to learn the readings of your hidden treasures, that is your own blessings if you want to cultivate Positive attitude.

Know the true meaning of education

The belief that we get educated in schools and colleges is just half true. The education we get in schools and colleges plus, moral and ethical literacy completes the meaning of education. Thus  such education imparted  will make the individuals honest, compassionate, courageous, persistent and responsible. Such persons even without conventional education can move up. Whereas, a person without  moral and ethical education, though with high conventional education cannot move up in the life.

Education is a continuous process.

Here education means learning. Learning starts from the cradle and ends only in the grave yard. This is the trait a person with positive attitude is well aware of. See any successful person. The most striking characteristic one can notice in them is how they keep themselves abreast of change. The moment a person thinks that he has learned everything and there is nothing left for learning, take it for granted that that person’s growth comes to a grinding halt.

Know that reaching top is not that hard.  But staying at the top is the hardest part of it.

If you want to stay at the top make the process of learning an integral part of your life.

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