In school we studied English, history, geography and other subjects.


History tells us about people who lived long ago.


Geography tells us about places, but moral science tells about ourselves.

*Moral science

Moral science tells about us.

It teaches us something we do not learn in any other subject. It teaches us how to behave, what to do what not do.

How is good boy?

When a child steals, speaks lies and does not listen to his/her parents, then she or he does not do what God made her/ him for. He /she are a naughty child, who displeases God and makes him sad. But if a child tells the truth, obeys and respects his parents and elders, we call him/ her good child, he/ she make God very happy.

It helps us to be friendly with everyone in the family as well as outside. It brings about an all round development of the child.

Behave as good friends

Behave with good manners. That is the moral science.

We began life with love all round us. When we were babies, our mothers loved us cared for us even when we upset them or troubled them. We do not remember this now. But this warmth was our first lesson in love. Now that we are older, we can show our parents how much we love them. These feelings make us strong and loving. As we grow older, we are kind even outside the home. We must learn to love people even if they are different because the whole world is one family.

When love someone, we want to give them the best that we have. It may be the biggest slice of cake. It could be homework neatly done or giving away our favorite color pencil. It could just be a hung.

When we give love, we also receive it. Giving and receiving love are the best things in life.

The more love we give, the more love we will get. This will make the circle of love grow bigger and bigger as we grow older. When we love we cannot be selfish or greedy. The sweetness of love is a special joy.

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