Suppose you have a first date with a girl and found her very much. You have arranged a night out with her and you're pretty nervous: it all goes well, she finds me funny, I can make her laugh, she wants to kiss me, etc. So what is the ideal place for such 's first night together and to spend really a success? Learn the pros and cons of a few possibilities.


It's dark, you're sitting next to each other, you do not have to talk ... It looks great, especially if you're a bit shy or do not know what to say to her. Girls find it generally good for a first date to a place tonight, if you do something else afterwards. The advantage is that you later tonight and have plenty of conversation can continue talking about the movie. The cinema is pretty easy and just, you can with some popcorn and cola to make it simple fun. Surprise her by choosing a movie that girls like, or let her pick the movie.


Maybe not the best idea for a first date. It seems very tempting to do that, and you show that your hair very seriously, but it's not wise to start with, because it can be quickly formee l and therefore uncomfortable for both of you. Keep the meal for later. A quick bite somewhere, or a snack at McDonald, during your first date? If you both fall over from hunger, you should definitely do, but it is better to eat well in advance so that you get through the night without a snack stop. Less food than boys and girls find a snack bar or McDonald generally not so romantic. Do you still hungry? Order a snack in a cafe or an appetizer with your drink. Everyone is so nice suits wherever they fancy it.

To the cafe

A bar or pub is always good for a first date. It is casual and of things happen around you, so it's okay if you just know nothing to say. Make sure you can understand each other in the cafe and there are seats if they prefer it. Prepare yourself for a bit and remember a conversation with some one throw where you can talk to her about. You do your senses and of course the conversation word for word to prepare, but a few things you can say about something, and where they can answer. Never talk about other girls have what you date anyone, or more. Girls are insecure when they are positive, and if you're negative about them, she thinks you will soon be negative about her talk with others. Are you a regular customer at the cafe? Make sure your friends a little bit at bay and make the girl at the center of your attention.

A party of a friend of yours

Well ... no, rather not. Of course it is nice to show that you're a girl, but look at it from her point of view. Generally, a party of an acquaintance of yours for her difficult, if not a true test. You know everyone and you must divide your attention, she knows no one and do not know what to do when you are talking with others. Unless they are very socially gifted, and loves to meet new people, you really just can not do better.

A performance or concert

If you both love music and there is a concert that you really do not want to miss, it's a nice way to spend the evening together. A concert is lively and there is much to see and hear. You convince them that they are acting as artist as you like, otherwise it is natural for her not at all fun. The sound is very loud? Combine the concert with something you can understand each other.

A walk

Yes! Always good. Because you walk next to each other, and do not have to look at, it's a great way to relaxed a bit more about each other to learn. In the air you feel in general also freer and happier because you get lots of oxygen. It is also a perfect conclusion to your date. Because you easily can an arm around her store, and it can push against you.

Be careful with alcohol and drugs ...

Of course you make sure you remain in your senses. Drunk is never attractive, especially if your first date, you should absolutely do not want. Girls do not like a drunken date. Drug is the same: keep you and stick to your senses.

It together at home ...

Your date will end up together and her house. Make sure you all evening with her remains. You can talk to other people is natural, but keep it short and stick together in the neighborhood. Let her not only during the evening and not let her go home alone. You're a real gentleman if your hair at her door sales. With or without a kiss, let yourself in this way at least your best.

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