I want to become Rich.

I want to satisfy myself.

Everybody says that  Money can but Bed but cant buy sleep,

Money can buy food but cant but cant fulfill Hunger.

But A poor man never give this type of comment or not also like to listen this type of dialogue.

We Indian have main problem is the big difference between Rich people and Poor people.

There is a big gap between Rich man and Poor man.

This is just because of our Old mentality and Rich people do not let the poor people to become Rich.

They do not want to loose their power so they always try to Earn more and more .

Which Indirectly affect to all poor people because money moves around and finally goes to the Rich man's pocket.

so they are the creator, and utilise of money.

I want to become Rich as soon as possible so I can Help some poor people and I will try my best to make a clean Environment with that money




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