She smashed my heart to pieces

that's why she's my splinter queen,

let my heart in smitherenes

till my soul moan to infinity,

and destiny shed tears

for its unfortunate son


I faded when she said

those sinister words

my heart vanished,

I wonder if I will ever

find love again,

I said goodbye to joy

when she walked

out that door


My pride of my life,

flushed down the

toilet of romantic turmoil


I remember sweating magma

and my body was as

cold as a corpse

there was an earthquake

in my soul,

the spring withered,

life mottling right before

my tear-filled eyes,

all drowned

by the tsunami of sorrow,

till there was no more,

eternal darkness,

quiet, cold darkness,

no more life.


She smashed my heart to pieces

that's why she's my splinter queen,

let my heart in smitherenes

till my soul moan to infinity,

and destiny shed tears

for its unfortunate son.

                                                    By Kakraba Afful

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