Inventions have moved the world for thousands of years. There have been good inventions and then there have been great inventions. Inventions improve the quality of life. Some of the inventions are Electricity, Computer, Television etc. Day after day, new inventions are taking place. One of the disadvantages of these inventions is that the common man has started to depend on machines for almost all of his work which he used to do himself. Machines also go through normal wear and tear and there is every possibility of them breaking down. The advantage of it is improved productivity which otherwise was not possible. The changes in technology can also be viewed in modern day cricket in which replays assist the umpires in making accurate decisions. But the downside is that the decision making is taking more time. A run-out decision which in earlier days was given almost instantly takes 3-4 minutes now because it has to be viewed from different angles before arriving to a final decision. Same can be said about housewives who find themselves with more time now for themselves and their family than they did before. As technology grows and expands, a new generation of inventors will stand upon the inventions of their ancestors and take that technology to heights we can only dream about. Our children’s future may very well depend on the next great invention. If you doubt that take a long look at the inventions that have changed your generation and ask yourself where would we be without them?

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