:cheer: :) :) :) :) Just in lighter moments a question came in my mind- Why have you selected this nickname Maverick? ...
Its synonyms have all negative meanings...

I found out few of the following meanings out of many from different sources:
The Synonyms of 'Maverick' are:
1. dissenter
2. radical
3. malcontent
4. bohemian
5. extremist
7. nonconformist
8. unconventional person
9. eccentric
10. individualist
11. rebel
12. one of a kind
13. odd one out
15. Insurgent
16. Radical

Harish Jharia
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Hai Harish,

This is such an interesting find you have done.

In fact,I would like to say that Maverick is one of a kind and a radical thinker,he helps us all through thick and thin.

I am sure it will take time for Maverick to read this,as he is out of town :)

Swetha Shenoy
Nice to find you Swetha on the site with the same cheerful and lively message...

Harish Jharia
I should share with you,the day I joined Boddunan,I watched a movie titled 'Surf's up'(an animation movie)

In that movie,there was a character named 'Cody Maverick' and I found it weird that someone with a name such as that would be a challenger;and to my surprise,I saw Maverick's profile that day which read "Maverick...coding..coding"

I do not know if it was a sheer co-incidence or something unusual that followed. :)

Swetha Shenoy
I think Maverick is favourite of every member because he is our good friend.
Hey guys.. sorry for the delayed entry. Due to my personal illness I am not able to login to boddunan regularly and follow all posts.

Anyway the answer is in your options:
"I like to be independent/out of the box in whatever I am thinking and whatever I am doing"

I am not sure I am following this 100% but trying my best since I know the world :)

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

Hi Maverick!

You have chosen a nice one! As far my limited knowldege goes this word came into the English vocabulary from the name of an engineer S.A.Maverick who owned unbranded cattle! I do not consider the use of this word with any negative association. Some of our greatest social reformers or any person belonging to any field challenging existing ideas, social mores and practices could be described as mavericks. This my opinion
When i first saw our spiderman and read the name Maverick, the first thing that came to my mind was Marvel comics!
Sounds similar..right :)
What ??It is a nick name ??? It is interesting to see all these synonyms with negative meaning for a positive man!!!
But Maverick, whats your real name???
Siddharth Shankar Kanungo wrote:
[quote]But Maverick, whats your real name???[/quote]

I just wanted to keep this private due to personal issues(I am a an employee too :) ). Sorry for disappointing you but I have no other option.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

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