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anand, try to write articles to your blog and here. Very simple. And try to promote your blog by doing search engine optimization. you will surely get huge traffic.

My blog has 15300 views daily

Its really great. :)

I don't have blogs i want to write on blogspot and to have an adsense account but do not know how it works and from where to start. :) :S

SJ. Go for it.. Just choose subject in which you are interested so you can write more about it.. And start blog with that subject.

If you want adsense easily.. then you can got it through triond more easily. Just write 5 good articles their and apply for adsense.. I am sure you will get it. I got it like that way too.

Getting adsense account from out own blog or site is too hard.

Then should i get registered in TRIOND. :)
Yes.. If you don't want to continue more their than you can just leave it after getting your google adsense.. Its so easy to get google adsense account from their.. Just write 5 articles and after a week or something apply for google adsense from triond site.

Yes.. If you don't want to continue more their than you can just leave it after getting your google adsense.. Its so easy to get google adsense account from their.. Just write 5 articles and after a week or something apply for google adsense from triond site.

Ok i will try it but i heard from you only that Triod once blocked your account without letting you the reason for it. :)
Yes.. Unfortunately I loose the account. And I still don't know why? ha ha..

But I just got banned from that site not from google adsense..Triond only help us to get the google adsense.. Its not like we loose google adsense too if we loose triond..

Yes.. Unfortunately I loose the account. And I still don't know why? ha ha..

But I just got banned from that site not from google adsense..Triond only help us to get the google adsense.. Its not like we loose google adsense too if we loose triond..

How much you are earning from adsense at present on an average?. :)

I have read about adsense that its not good for Asians.Is it so? :)
Nope.. Its depend on traffic we got.. If traffic is more then there are more chances of getting clicks on those ads..

They are surely giving high rate click... They are giving 0.05$ to 1$ per click.. On average I am getting around 0.25$ to 0.4$ per click on ads..

It all about having traffic.. Currently I am not getting that much traffic on my blog.. But I am trying to improve it.. And yes it is increasing too.. Quality content on blog can easily get the traffic.

Nope.. Its depend on traffic we got.. If traffic is more then there are more chances of getting clicks on those ads..

They are surely giving high rate click... They are giving 0.05$ to 1$ per click.. On average I am getting around 0.25$ to 0.4$ per click on ads..

It all about having traffic.. Currently I am not getting that much traffic on my blog.. But I am trying to improve it.. And yes it is increasing too.. Quality content on blog can easily get the traffic.

So i should start from TRIOND then what is to be done? :)
Make account.. Post article(original one).. After 5 articles you can apply for google adsense from triond directly.. You can also earn from triond by article page views..and you can get payout from triond (not google adsense) via paypal when you reach to 0.50$.

Actually Triond was my first article writing site.. And I like it quite even though earning is slow.. But I guess they don't want me...

Hey sanjeev what is this TRIOND. is it a site?

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Hey sanjeev what is this TRIOND. is it a site?

Its an article writing site.. where you can earn money from page views from article you have published their.

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