Can i refer my submitted articles in boddunan to other sites Sot that more will learn from boddunan on various submitted topics of mine and others will it help me in earning or not.
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Isha, your question is not really clear, but from what I can understand, it seems like you want to publish the articles in boddunan as well as other websites so that you can earn more money. Unfortunately, this would be against the copyrights policy and is a legal issue, leading to banning your account from all the websites. Boddunan does not encourage such acts and so do other websites. '

Instead what you can do is rewrite the articles on same topics, ensuring that it is not at all similar and then submit. I hope you understand this.

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- W. C. Fields :)

Don't do this thing this will make u feel so much in future that you have losted an account in boddunan.

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All that is prohibited is copying from other sites. Other sites will also not allow you to copy. But you can definitely provide link of your Boddunan articles to others.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

You can't post the same article on other sites, but you can post the url link of the post on the social networks to drive the traffic to this site

As far as my understanding is that we can neither copy external material or publish internal material on external websites.

Its mentioned in the rules.


@ Isha

Its better to ask admin. You may get correct information i hope. I feel IF we refer then it will be benefited to this site also . anyway before doing anything once concern admin.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Yes Isha the sarala gave you the correct information please contact admin before taking risk.

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Nooooo, i mean for referring boddunan is that can i refer boddunan's articles to other sites just like we give answers to yahoo answers with link of boddunan . can i do same things forr articles also can i refer boddunan's link of articles to other sites to make it more famous.
ya i am also asking the same thing about the link of articles and not about the copy n paste of articles.
Better to think twice and act. Boddunan may not entertain the same.
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