Articles [Software]

Computer is the most wonderful achievment of science. Genral people cannot understand what type of thing it is. The most impossible work which is out of the approach of human mind is done by the computer. Now a days the computer is found in every...

Website hosting is a unique process of making your website available for online publication. It is necessary to get a domain that you can have your own identity on the World Wide Web. It mainly affects store important files, graphics, video and...

Generally the computer system are classified as MICRO ,MINI and MAINFRAME Computers. MICRO Computer Micro Computer are small ,single user that provides a simple processor and a few input/output devices.The micro computer is also known as...

Black box testing: It is called behavioural testing because it focuses on functional requirements of the software.That means the software engineer will take set of all possible input conditions for the program.Black box testing finds the errors...

St : sir, why should we use computers. Can you justify this? Te : Sure Kanna, this can be certainly justified. For Example, What will you do, if you have lots of work which you are not able to attend to? St : Sir, I shall appoint a person to...

1. What is the use of declaration statement? v Declaration means specifying something is advance. v In, c++ declaration means instructing the compiler previously about the variable / identifier, functions etc, which we are going to use. Example:...

Atlas The Atlas operating system was designed at the University of Manchester in England in the late 1950s and early 1960s. Many of its basic features that were novel at the time have become standard parts of modern operating system. Device...

St : Sir, Good Morning Sir, Hope you remember me, I am Kannan. Te : Come on, Kanna... How can I forget you? Two years back you had attended Commerce Tuitions? How is your life now? St : I am fine sir? How about you sir? Te : I am fine Kanna....

Tips for software Programmer Today in India lot of students hope to become good programmer so I am sharing some tips which is helpful in writing programme in any type of language like c, c++, Java, PHP and .Net etc. Tips are as follows. 1. Start...

In India, day by day information technology is going to be expanding in a broad sense. In each business, use of technology is very common thing. It is not only used at business places but is also used for providing homogeneous facility to the...

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