Articles [Engineering]

  Basic physics terms: Physical Quantity:The quantity which can be measured is called physical quantity.Example length of scale,area, volume. Fundamental Quantity:The physical quantity which is basic and is not derived from others is called...

  Advanced terms for engineering in physics: Surface Tension:It is the force per unit length. Force applied on per unit length of surface is called surface tension. Its formula is surface tension= Force/ length. Viscosity : Viscosity is also...

                                      Structure Of Atom Atom:Atom is the smallest particle of an element which is indestructible means atom can't be broken into parts. Atom is the entity which takes part in chemical reactions to produce...

                                                                         Dimensions & Motion Dimension: Dimension is the measurement of an objects regards with its mass, length and time. It is also defined as the coordinates which can define the...

Fabrication processes:   Compression moulding: Mould having two parts upper part & lower part, both the parts are connected with guiding pins. There is cavity in the lower part of the machine, in this cavity maximum amount of mixture (polymer...

Liquid crystalline polymer  Generally polymers of high m.p. temperature suffer during molding process, due to heat disorder effect and are very difficult to process. On the contrary some polymers have tendency to alien their chains parallel...

Addition/chain polymerization: The monomer must have at least two identical or diff. groups which can interact each other to undergo condensation reaction. It is endothermic process. It is a slow process. Molecular Weight is high. Monomers...

Thermosoftenting Plastics: Definition: The polymer which become soft on heating and hard on cooling, reversibly are known as thermo softening polymers. Eg. PVC, PE. Generally formed by addition or chain polymerization reaction. It consist of...

Septic tank is a water tight tank where the sewage undergoes anaerobic decomposition. They are designed only to treat human excreta and urine. The liquid from septic tank should not be allowed in to open drains and it has to be capable of...

Polymer:-   May be defined as the high molecular weight compound, formed by using monomers. Therefore polymer possesses specific structural units (i.e. monomers), repenting several times. Monomer:  May be defined as the low molecular weight...

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