Articles [General]

  ERROR CORRECTION   Well in this part we will see some common and typical errors that may occur and how to avoid them....enjoy reading... What Is Error Correction? It is a process which involves corrections in spelling, grammatical...

  These are the major Principle Airlines in the World AIRLINES-COUNTRY Aeroflot - USSR Air India - India Air-Lanka - SriLanka Air France - France Air Canada - Canada Air Mauritius - Mauritius Alitalia - Italy Ariana Afghan...

  TYPES OF SENTENCES I know its hard to have grammar lessons, but don't worry this is just a basic grammar....just enjoy reading. Definition Of A 'Sentence': A sentence is a group of words that gives a complete meaning. ( Isn't it...

Civics Some important terms which often occur in civics are maintained below:- 1) Democracy: The word Democracy is derived the Greek words Demos and Kratos. It means in democracy the supreme power or sovereignty rests with the people. Free Dom,...

RTI stands for Right To Information and is a fundamental right under Article 19(1) of the Constitution. Under this article its mentioned that every citizen has every freedom raise the flag against any act of government(there are few limits) and...

There are two common usages of the word ‘Monitor’ .a) It is a device that checks, controls, or keeps a continuous record of something. b) A person that warns or keeps a check. Sample UsageExamples:-a) The monitor goes to sleep on shutting down...

General terminology- for general knowledge   Certain terms used in our daily life to give a certain meaning. Some such words are given below:- 1) Adult franchise: A right of voting granted to the all adult citizens of a prescribed age of a...

Verb is a word which denotes action or being or possession. All sentences must have verb with a subject. For example: 1. Yuvraj caught the ball caught what ? - the ball, so ball is object of the verb caught. If we frame a question using the...

In the english langvage words can be named under any one of the eight parts of speech . These words are not  categorized per say , but their usage is classified into eight parts of speach such as noun , verb , prounoun adjective , adverb,...

Simple Present Tense or Present Indefinite Positive: Subject + First form of Verb + object Negative: Subject +do not/ does not + First form of Verb + object Interrogative Do / Does + Subject + First form of Verb + object + ? We use...

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