Articles [General Reference]

We must keep our fish and aquarium clean and and this look great. Just like a human being, it also demands regular maintenance. We must keep a cleaning device and perform regular changes in water. It keeps the aquarium in a healthy...

1. Your website is a platform suitable for SEO First of all how many of you know about SEO. The answer is not many. It is a new technology in the market.  The full form of SEO is Search Engine Optimization. It is a simple process of search a...

Let us suppose that you own a company and you are responsible for everything. You are responsible for every thing that you employees needs.You must provide right software and hardware to your employee.So that they perform their job in a right...

Many Indian are not speaking English nicely. If you want to improve your English communication skills. You must follow some of the method or process discussed below to overcome from your poor communication skills. It is not a matter of worry. Now I...

Life is a Journey Life is a Journey. In this journey we have to travel a long distance. We will have to meet a lot of people on this trip. Some are good in this journey. Some may be bad in this journey. Some people are half good or...

When internet made its appearance for the first time, it was welcomed as a useful tool and rightly so as it has made our professional and personal life much easier and simpler. To cite an example with the presence of internet, one no longer has to...

For some people, most favorite thing is to write an article. If others read their articles, they would be very happy. We have to express our thoughts and mind by articles. In the past, it was very difficult to write articles. Nowadays it is...

People, especially to those in certain circles, there money was not a bar to them. Sons or daughters who are working abroad. More money is flowing in them. They do not care about spending more money. Because they earn too...

What is spirituality When we talk of spirituality, we first need to know what is materialism. Whatever we perceive through our senses, that is what we see, hear, listen, touch and smell is all that we can know. What we see is all matter- solid,...

Euthanasia and the super rich   Euthanasia is the process to end a life with a view to relive from pain and suffering.  This is really not relevant to the utmost poor who cannot afford costly medicines and treatment.  They die...

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