Is it not wise for wisemen to keep quiet before idiots?

We often witness a few such people in every group. Those who desire to get attention or remain in limelight in a crowd feel easily frustrated if someone else take away that position. They become restless and for their failures, the best thing they can do is irritate the other person with all their efforts to push him out. For this cause, they may even choose wrong ways and even the worst and bad words without any hesitation.

The second group people belongs to those, who may not be extra talented, yet they win others' heart through their nice conversations, humbleness and behaviour. Obviously, those who feel they are extra-ordinary feel extra jealous and do any thing worse.

But what I feel that wise men are those who never care such bad behaved people and they never attempt to remain in limelight by fighting with them.

My strategy is too the same - Is it not better to fight with wiseman for good reasons and be quiet with foolish and let them win. I always feel that we are ourselves making others believe that, there are two fools in the group, not one. Haha.... Am I right?

What's your opinion about this matter? Or any other strategy to deal with such persons?

Category: General Reference

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The famous proverb is what i can think of after going through your question, speech is silver, but silence is golden. It is better to stay mum before both categories of people. Let them revel in their own fantasy world.


I uphold your view. In this context, it would be appropriate to recall the famous quotation .
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.
Abraham Lincoln

Sandhya Rani yes, absolutely!

There is a Malayalam proverb, filled pots never spills out.
- Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago
rambabu Empty vessels make much noise. There is an equivalent Hindi version. "Adh Jal Ghagiri Chalat Jaye." - rambabu - 10 years ago


No, I think it's wise to keep silent before such 'wise-man' they will never understand your view point and will give you unreasonable argument to make you irritated so - 'A silent is better than 100 useless noises'
Sandhya Rani Actually Sunny, very often small doze medicines often work. When elephant goes mad, what will we do? We give it medicine through a gunshot. It's definitely not to kill the poor animal, but to bring it in control. - Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago


Sure, that's why I am not even going to say anything .... :)


I think that we should remain silent unless required to speak irrespective of standard of intelligence of those around. Wise or idiots- if they don't need your opinion, it is no use interfering.


Well, all I know is that people who make the most noise about how humble and wise and good they are, are the ones who are in fact not so...and telling them so will only cause popping forth of more such 'pearls of wisdom' ....so I prefer to keep quiet now.. a lesson learned a bit hard way! ;)
suni51 I agree with you. :) - suni51 - 10 years ago
usha manohar Thats exactly what I feel and thats why I did not want to respond with too many words ...:) - usha manohar - 10 years ago
Kalyani Nandurkar Thanks Sunil :)

Yes Usha, words are futile some times and this is one of those! Ha ha ha!
- Kalyani Nandurkar - 10 years ago


Yeah.. If someone want that position that badly and behave foolishly then silent person will win by default. Surely it is not necessary to do any arguments with them as he/she will never understand either.
Sandhya Rani Ha ha ha...Nice thought shared! - Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago


I feel the same way. It is good to speak when your opinion matters.


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