what will happen if you drink daily 5 bottles of beer?

Category: Health & Lifestyle

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Other than the fact that you will be putting your health at risk, the store owner from where you get your supply will surely get richer and happier! ;)


Drinking 5 bottles of beer daily is not an issue if you can burn those calories. However human system is not that strong and designed to burn all those calories that 5 bottles of beer contain. Hence you will put on unwanted weight and damage your liver. Damaging liver means you can get involved in different types of diseases like diabetes and others.


Actually beer is low alcohol content the reaction of the drink depends on the body conditions. My friend takes 13 bottles every day no changes with him. I tried up to 7 bottles 8th bottle I had no money. So it purely depends on the body condition.


I think no person can drink 5 beers per day. He cannot continue it at least for 2 days. So he himself will stop drinking more and starts drinking occasionally.


There is simple logic behind this question - an excess of anything is not good. 5 beers of bottle is way too much, I guess and that too in 24 hours? No way. Secondly, if one were to drink 5 bottles in 1 day only once that would be fine. But just imagine drinking those 5 bottles daily. You will be in all problems without any solution!


Once or every day, if one drinks five bottles of beer daily it would make you very unhealthy, increase your weight and have a hangover all through the day...

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