I found a software 'Sticky Notes' which is used to create notes on the desktop . We can use this to note down the tasks we want to do and can also set alarms for that.

To Download the Software:

Go to the website http://download.cnet.com and type  sticky notes on the search box.You can find the entry titled 'Stick notes 2.2'.

It is just an application. So there is no need for any installation. I have explained below how to use this software for creating task lists and setting alarms.

Creating a note:

When the application is opened it sits in the tray window of the desktop with a notepad icon.

1. Right click the notepad icon and select new note.



2. Type the list of tasks you want to do. It sits in the desktop like the screen below ( Yellow box on the right hand side ).



3. You can change the transparency of the colour from 10% to 90%. by clicking the 'Paper' icon on the note window and choosing the 'Transparency' option on the yellow window.



4. You can also change the color of the note from yellow to any colour. ( Click 'Paper' icon and select 'Note color' option )

5. You can also edit the title color, font etc . ( Click 'Paper' icon and select 'Title color' / 'Title font' option )

Setting Alarm:

1. For setting reminder alarm click 'Paper' icon on the note window and select 'Add Alarm' option

2. The alarm can be daily, weekly, monthly etc. Please see the window below for the options


Deleting Note:

1. For deleting a particular note click 'Paper' icon on the note window and select 'Delete Note' option

Hope this software will be of some use to you !!!



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