Bad breath can affect your relationships - at work in your life and your self-esteem - and why it is important to understand what causes them and recover what the best solutions for bad breath in trying to Life you.


Results of bacteria bad breath are anaerobic bacteria that live in the fibers of the tongue. This bacteria is actually part of the digestive system and begins digestion by breaking food into his mouth. Unfortunately, the waste product of this function is volatile sulfur compounds (VSC), and is the essence of bad breath.


To eliminate bad breath, you should completely and thoroughly clean the entire mouth, at least twice a day. This includes brushing the teeth for at least 2 minutes so clearly from all sides and top of each tooth, and all the way to the back teeth. Thread between each grinding of teeth and tongue with tongue cleaners available commercially. This language, cleaning gently removes bacteria and the main source of energy is harming the delicate fibers of the tongue.


Try toothpaste or a paste mixture of baking soda and water use, other than the current day, you brush your teeth. Baking soda changes the pH of the mouth, making developed a less favorable environment for bacteria. It also kills bacteria and is negating the effects of bad breath and is a perfect complement.


Make sure you drink water all day. The mouth is an ideal environment for bacterial growth. If you drink water, you, the relaxation of debris and remains to promote saliva production. Saliva contains enzymes that kill bacteria, certain odors. Chewing sugarless gum or eating citrus fruits also helps promote saliva flow and thus help reduce bad breath.


The solutions are the most common forms of bad breath from the multiplication of bacteria.


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