Many people are afraid of standing at terrace, climbing on trees or climbing on ladder. This type of fear is called Acrophobia and we can see many people around us suffering from this phobia. Like most of the phobia, Acrophobia starts from some bad incidents happened in past such as falling from height. Panic attack, nausea and rapid heart beats are the main symptoms of Acrophobia. It is very important to overcome from this because Acrophobia can create mental disorder and heart attack.

Acrophobic people face many problems in their daily life. They cannot work at office that is situated on higher floor of the building. Moreover, they cannot even stand on the chair or table to replace bulb. If they do, an intense anxiety starts in them. They gets panic and start sweating profusely. Respiration rate, heart rate and body temperature start increasing. Thus, their body may react and can faint, which can bring a huge trouble for them.

Way to Overcome the Acrophobia

  • The first step to overcome Acrophobia is to create willpower to face the fear in yourself. Think positively in your mind and say " I Can Do It". Practice yoga and meditation regularly to create a strong willpower. This will be very useful to recover instantly from  anxiety. Once you collect all the guts and be determined to face the fear, think you have won half of the battle.
  • Now the time is to face your biggest enemy, your biggest fear. Take a big ladder and climb two steps and look at down. If you feel any anxiety then close your eyes and take slow and deep breath. It will help you to relax and prevent you from getting tensed. Again look down and continue this process few times in a day. After 2-3 days climb three steps and continue the process. After every few days increase one step and practice. After the practice of few months you can climb 10-12 steps of the ladder. By this process you can overcome from the fear of short height. But still there is a long way to go.
  • Visit nearby malls and go to the upper floors by lift. This time do not simply look down. Look at the peoples on the ground floor. Feel the environment like watching the kids playing, watching the dressing styles of the people. Or else, go to the top floor of the building and watch outside the building through window. See the beautiful world, flying birds, clouds. Slowly look down and look at roads, small houses, vehicles and feel it. If you get tensed then again then close your eyes and take slow and deep breath. After few weeks use this process by standing on terrace. This will help you to divert mind from the fear.
  • Last process is treatment of Acrophobia. There are many types of effective treatments for this phobia. Consult with any expert for the perfect treatments. You can use Hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy is a therapy where therapist hypnotise the patient and do the psychological treatment to remove the fear from the mind of the patient for forever. Ayurvedic therapy is also very famous for the treatment of Acrophobia. Here patients go through the therapy done by various herbs and massages to the sensitive points of the body.

It will take few years to conquer the fear, but you have a strong willpower ten you will definitely win.

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